

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:15

iphone Programming Glossary: independent

String length with given font to fit UITextView 2 - The Return


cocoa touch share improve this question UIScrollView seems to use a fixed 8 pixel inset on both sides. This is independent of alignment or font size based on testing observation not any explicit knowledge of the internals . So it seems you are..

Orientation issue in ios 6


does nt change to protrait. So please help me with some code so that i force my app to be in protrait mode only independent of the orientation of device before the app launches iphone ios6 share improve this question This is happening because..

Get to UIViewController from UIView on iPhone?


Some comments on the need Your view should not need to access the view controller directly. The view should instead be independent of the view controller and be able to work in different contexts. Should you need the view to interface in a way with the..

More iCloud Core Data synching woes


iCloud Core Data synching woes So it finally happened. The worst case scenario for any independent iPhone developer occurred. Several users are reporting complete data loss after upgrading my app. iCloud Core Data sync..

How to crossfade between 2 images on iPhone using Core Animation


image2.CGImage self.imageView.layer addAnimation crossFade forKey @ animateContents Note that the animation is independent of the actual values contents of the UIImageView. Therefore you'll need to self.imageView.image image2 ... to set the final..

Multiple accounts on iPhone Developer Program


iPhone Developer Program assigned to the project for the company. I would like to buy my own licence to develop as an independent programmer. How to do it Do I need another Apple ID iphone account share improve this question No you can be a member..

NSDate - Convert Date to GMT


convert an NSDate value to a GMT Date. How can I go about converting an NSDate value to a GMT formatted NSDate value independent of whatever date locale settings the iPhone is using Kind Regards iphone ios nsdate gmt share improve this question ..

Laying out & sizing of subviews in a UIViewController


view I want to layout some subviews but I'm confused as to where how to lay them out in a way that will be resolution independent i.e. not hardcode values such as 320px 480px 44px etc. . When the view is fully loaded and presented on a vertical iPhone..

Available memory for iPhone OS app


there a function or constant defining the amount of available memory for an app in iPhone OS I'm looking for a device independent way iPod touch iPhone iPad to know how much memory the app has left. iphone memory memory management share improve this..

How does Apple know you are using private API?


and check if you've used some undocumented Objective C methods such as UIDevice setOrientation . Since selectors are independent from the class you're messaging even if your custom class defines setOrientation irrelevant to UIDevice there will be a..

Inner Shadow in UILabel


be inverted. My solution is a custom view that works with any shape and also text. It requires iOS 4 and is resolution independent. First a graphical explanation of what the code does. The shape here is a circle. The code draws text with a white dropshadow...

How to tint UIBarButtonItem background color?


Tint UIButton and UIBarButtonItem . Unlike the accepted answer it allows you to change the color of UIBarButtonItems independent of the UINavigationBar. In case the link goes down in the future the gist of it is that you create a tinted UISegmentedControl..

RESTful frameworks for Android, iOS…?


return IDs only category 2 3 4 should be category name testing id 2 name production id 3 Consider each call to be independent of each other i.e. I should have enough information for call http test.com object.json to populate my views For documentation..

iPhone voice changer


this Thanks in Advace iphone ipad ios4 share improve this question There are no built in iOS APIs that will do independent time pitch modification. There is open source code that implements time pitch stretching in Audacity but I don't know whether..

How to create a static library from an Xcode project?


integrate those two apps to my third app. I need to keep all these three apps class files and other resource files independent. Because most of them have the same name. How can I do this I have to convert them to library and integrate them If so how..

How to make ui responsive all the time and do background updating?


can i create the thumbnails and add them to UIScrollview without affecting the touch responsiveness I want them to run independent of the main thread which is resposible for handling touch events i suppose . Also i would like to mention that when a thumbnail..

How do you explicitly animate a CALayer's backgroundColor?


my question is how do you set the From or To values for this particular property preferably in a Mac iPhone platform independent way iphone cocoa osx core animation share improve this question You don't need to wrap CGColorRefs when setting the..

Change iOS app's language on the fly


iOS app's language on the fly I'm writing an iOS app where I want the user to be able to change the UI language independent of the iPhone's or iPad's language. The question is how do I reload the appropriate NIB file for the currently displayed..

How can I locally detect iPhone clock advancement by a user between app runs?


this question CACurrentMediaTime mach_absolute_time Take a look at this questions iOS How to measure passed time independent of clock and time zone changes Calculating number of seconds between two points in time in Cocoa even when system clock..

Setting copyright statement on a per-project basis?


copyright statement on a per project basis I'm an independent developer working primarily with iPhone applications and I'm currently engaged in several different projects. Some are for..

Non-PIE Binary - The executable 'project name' is not a Position Independent Executable.


PIE Binary The executable 'project name' is not a Position Independent Executable. I uploaded a binary on into iTunes Connect it was validated and accepted to publish to the App Store. I received.. fix the following issues we wanted to make you aware of them Non PIE Binary The executable 'xyz.app' is not a Position Independent Executable. Please ensure that your build settings are configured to create PIE executables. Once the required corrections.. app status is Waiting for Upload. You can then deliver the corrected binary. I have changed the Don't Create Position Independent Executables option in Target Build Settings to YES but I still receive the same message above. iphone apple pie share..

Platform Independent Mobile Applications [closed]


Independent Mobile Applications closed How far can we think of Platform Independent Mobile Applications The idea behind this question.. Independent Mobile Applications closed How far can we think of Platform Independent Mobile Applications The idea behind this question was To use less efforts for building the same application for different..