

2014/10/15 ¤U¤Č 10:10:18

iphone Programming Glossary: indicates

UIScrollView with “Circular” scrolling


check if the user reach any of the ends and move the offset without animation to the other end. Imagine the indicates the view being shown E A B C D E A User swipes right E A B C D E A User swipes right E A B C D E A Then automatically set..

Play/Forward video in 2x 3x 4x speed - iPhone SDK


as @property nonatomic float currentPlaybackRate A value of 0 represents that the video is stopped a value of 1 indicates normal speed and further positive values indicate increased speed while negative ones indicate reverse . Also check your..

force application to terminate in iPhone


in which it cannot provide its intended function the recommended approach is to display an alert for the user that indicates the nature of the problem and possible actions the user could take turning on WiFi enabling Location Services etc. Allow..

drawTextInRect on UITextField not called


subclass shadow share improve this question This is a bug in the UITextField API documentation. The documentation indicates that overriding drawTextInRect can be used to customize behaviour. This is not the case. In fact drawTextInRect will never..

Core Data causing app to crash while migrating


a background thread or breaking it up into pieces so that the application can start up on time. The shutdown issue indicates that you are probably not doing incremental saves while the application is running but instead doing one large save when..

iPhone image stretching (skew)


intersection point of the lines joining p1 and p3 and p2 and p4. Now notice the x y factor in the transformation. This indicates such a transform is not linear. Therefore CATransform3D cannot perform this as a 2D transform either. However the vector..

Prefixing property names with an underscore in Objective C [duplicate]


the fact that by default synthesized accessors for a property will access the ivar with the same name as the property indicates that's the pattern they expect you to follow. No matter what since objects still have to send messages to themselves to..

Output iPad content to external display


pointers And also can this be done for iPhone Is it the same iphone ipad share improve this question As little indicates you'll need to create a new UIWindow and attach it to the UIScreen for the external display. This UIWindow will host the..

ipod touch / iphone development on Windows? [duplicate]


iPhone memory management (with specific examples/questions)


file. To give an example consider a simple Person object which has a name and a boolean property didSave which simply indicates whether the object has been saved to some database or not. Since we don't want to expose this to the outside world but still..

How to animate the pie charts developed using core-plot library?


the end CPPieChart is just a heavily subclassed CALayer . I might be entirely incorrect here but there's nothing that indicates that this can't be animated like any other CALayer . Try the following code to rotate the layer by 360 degrees CABasicAnimation..

How do I correctly detect orientation change using javascript and Phonegap in IOS?


in Phonegap Any help would be appreciated. window.onorientationchange function window.orientation returns a value that indicates whether iPhone is in portrait mode landscape mode with the screen turned to the left or landscape mode with the screen turned..

Background GPS in iOS. Is this possible?


in the background. The former ”the approach recommended by Apple ”uses less power at the cost of accuracy this blog post indicates that the updates are accurate to roughly 500m while the latter is as accurate as the device can manage. This is all detailed..

What's the best way to communicate between view controllers?


Notification techniques http cocoawithlove.com 2008 06 five approaches to listening observing.html Method #5 even indicates delegates as an method Except.... objects can only set one delegate at a time. So when I have multiple viewcontroller communication..

How can I optimize the rendering of a large model in OpenGL ES 1.1?


on a CAD model. Any suggestions iphone ios opengl es vbo share improve this question A Tiler Utilization of 100 indicates that your bottleneck is in the size of the geometry being sent to the GPU . Whatever you can do to shrink the geometry size..

Encrypting 16 bytes of UTF8 with SecKeyWrapper breaks (ccStatus == -4304)


characters I can encrypt but on decrypt it throws an exception after the CCCryptorFinal call with ccStatus 4304 which indicates a decode error. Go figure. I understand that AES128 uses 16 bytes per encrypted block so I get the impression that the error..

Property vs instance variable in Objective-C [duplicate]


the fact that by default synthesized accessors for a property will access the ivar with the same name as the property indicates that's the pattern they expect you to follow. No matter what since objects still have to send messages to themselves to..

Write Audio To Disk From IO Unit


1 stereoStreamFormat.mBytesPerFrame bytesPerSample stereoStreamFormat.mChannelsPerFrame 2 2 indicates stereo stereoStreamFormat.mBitsPerChannel 8 bytesPerSample stereoStreamFormat.mSampleRate engineDescribtion.samplerate NSLog..

Scrolling with two fingers with a UIScrollView


drags and therefore my contentView never receives them. I'd like to implement a UIScrollview where a two finger drag indicates a scroll and a one finger drag event gets passed to my content view so it performs normally. Do I need create my own subclass..

iPhone UIWebView local resources using Javascript and handling onorientationChange


into the resources. So you need to do two things select the .js file in your project and turn off the checkbox that indicates that it is compiled the bullseye column . If you don't do this you'll get a warning in your build log about being unable..