

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:18

iphone Programming Glossary: indicators

UIScrollView cannot see ScrollBars/Indicators.


cannot see ScrollBars Indicators. I programatically created a UISCrollView but i cant see the scrollbars indicators. UIScrollView contentScrollView UIScrollView alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 760 70 205 320 contentScrollView.delegate self..

How to show UIWebView's scroll indicators


to show UIWebView's scroll indicators all I have UIWebView with some content And i need to make its scroll indicator visible for a short time like UIScrollView..

How do I add a UIActivity Indicator to every Cell and maintain control of each individual indicator


actindicator.tag 1 cell contentView addSubview actindicator The catch is I need to control these multiple activity indicators from ANOTHER METHOD. I figured a property was a way to do this however by initialising a new instance of actIndicator every.. cells and start animating the activity indicator. To handle the case of the tableview being scrolled I re animate the indicators using the method below which is in cellForRowAtIndexPath. cellStateKey simply indicates if the cell has a checkmark next.. cell.contentView viewWithTag 1 acView startAnimating As mentioned in origional question I initialise my activity indicators and remove activity indicators aswell if required in the method didSelectRowAtIndexPath iphone ios uiactivityindicatorview..

UIScrollView - showing the scroll bar


How to display scrollbar in UITableView


iPhone UISlider with two thumbs/indicators?


UISlider with two thumbs indicators Is anyone aware of a version of the iPhone UISlider control with two thumbs I need a control that will allow specifying..

UITableView flexible/dynamic heightForRowAtIndexPath


UITableView row animation duration and completion callback


row animations or to get a callback when the animation completes What I would like to do is flash the scroll indicators after the animation completes. Doing the flash before then doesn't do anything. So far the workaround I have is to delay..

Change width and colour of scroll bar in UITableView, iphone


testView.frame frame iphone uitableview scrollbar share improve this question You can set only style of scroll indicators The style of the scroll indicators. @property nonatomic UIScrollViewIndicatorStyle indicatorStyle Styles Scroll Indicator.. scrollbar share improve this question You can set only style of scroll indicators The style of the scroll indicators. @property nonatomic UIScrollViewIndicatorStyle indicatorStyle Styles Scroll Indicator Style The style of the scroll indicators... @property nonatomic UIScrollViewIndicatorStyle indicatorStyle Styles Scroll Indicator Style The style of the scroll indicators. You use these constants to set the value of the indicatorStyle style. typedef enum UIScrollViewIndicatorStyleDefault UIScrollViewIndicatorStyleBlack..

Is there a way to hide the scroll indicators in an UIScrollView?


there a way to hide the scroll indicators in an UIScrollView I've got an use case where those indicators disturb the user interaction. Can I subclass and overide.. there a way to hide the scroll indicators in an UIScrollView I've got an use case where those indicators disturb the user interaction. Can I subclass and overide an method or something similar to remove the scoll indicators from.. indicators disturb the user interaction. Can I subclass and overide an method or something similar to remove the scoll indicators from the scroll view iphone uiscrollview share improve this question Set the showsHorizontalScrollIndicator showsVerticalScrollIndicator..