

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:14

iphone Programming Glossary: incredibly

Cocoa Touch: When does an NSFetchedResultsController become necessary to manage a Core Data fetch?


mind. iphone cocoa touch memory management core data share improve this question NSFetchedResultsController is an incredibly handy helper class for interfacing Core Data with your UITableViews. My recommendation would be to use it with every table..

Improving Finger Painting Performance


share improve this question An NSArray of CGPoints You mean an NSArray of NSValues holding CGPoints That's an incredibly time expensive way to hold what has to be a huge number of values that you access constantly. You could store this information..

What tool or technology does Apple use to create its documentation?


tool chain and generate HTML from the .tex sources. Every time I've tried though I've just been overwhelmed. It's an incredibly powerful tool and .tex source markup isn't that bad... but learning enough to tweak things to get the exact style of output..

How much more complex is it to draw simple curves, lines and circles in OpenGL ES rather than in Quartz 2D?


that question you were attempting to animate by redrawing your UIView's contents with Quartz every frame. That will be incredibly slow because of the way that the iPhone's drawing system works. Every frame your view's backing layer would need to be converted..

Why is XCode Organizer console sometimes empty when I connect my iPhone


is XCode Organizer console sometimes empty when I connect my iPhone When testing my iPhone app I have found it incredibly useful to log information to the console window. I think it is amazing that I can send out an adhoc build to my co workers..

COMET (server push to client) on iPhone


http comet share improve this question There are a couple of solutions available to use a STOMP client. STOMP is incredibly simple and lightweight perfect for the iPhone. I used this one as my starting point and found it very good. It has a few..

iphone ios running in separate thread


The code to do some processing on a background thread and then do something with the results in the main run loop is incredibly easy and compact dispatch_async dispatch_get_global_queue DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT 0 ^ Add code here to do background..

how to determine load application on iphone at first time?


objective c cocoa share improve this question Here is exactly how to do it. You will be pleased to know it is incredibly easy. It is exactly FOUR lines of code. Add this code anywhere you want. Perhaps simply in your application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions..

Client/Server GKSessions


unusual P2P mode and the documentation focusses on the P2P mode which can be confusing to newcomers. Again P2P is incredibly clever but as a rule you do not want the P2P mode. You want a normal clients with server spoke model which is incedibly..

mySQL database to iPhone app


create asynchronous requests for updates and SBJSON makes turning the received data into an NSArray of NSDictionaries incredibly easy just a couple of lines of code. The key to making it all work is making certain that you keep close track on data modification..

Why doesn't dismissWithClickedButtonIndex ever call clickedButtonAtIndex?


iphone share improve this question Since this is an old question you've probably figured it out by now but I was incredibly frustrated with this and couldn't find any help from Google so for anyone who comes across this in the future when you call..

Mysterious “progressive slowing” problem in run loop / drawRect


exhibiting the normal bizarre behavior the time increases each go around. However occasionally the time will drop to incredibly quick for a couple rounds and then return. Weird huh Further if you are running on your simulator click back and fore quickly..

Is there a way to force horizontal / landscape layout on mobile devices?


figure out that they're supposed to rotate the phone back into landscape mode in order to view the content. This is incredibly annoying to users there is probably a good reason they are trying to read your site in portrait mode. share improve this..

Point in Tilt Direction - iPhone


180 static inline float radianstodegrees double degrees return degrees 180 M_PI . where are the axes ... PS here's the incredibly handy diagram you may want to bookmark http developer.apple.com library ios #documentation uikit reference UIAcceleration_Class..

Breakdown of iOS versions being used [closed]


enough to purchase stuff at the app store. Penultimately don't forget that the latest versions are really pretty incredibly more advanced than the previous major release. As a new developer you will really struggle to program for older versions..

iOS Development: Why do I always get the “A connection failure occurred” on the 1st attempt, but success on the next?


Start the request request startAsynchronous It's worth mentioning that when it errors out it errors out incredibly quickly Also for what it's worth my Rail 3 app that I'm making the POST request to is hosted on Heroku. Your thoughts Thanks..

Most efficient way to draw part of an image in iOS


because CALayer lacks many options for optimization at lower levels. Anyway at least for optimization of UI stuff it's incredibly hard to be better than Apple. Why your method is slower than UIImageView What you should know is all about GPU acceleration...

How do I escape a Unicode character in my Objective-C source code?


do I escape a Unicode character in my Objective C source code I feel incredibly stupid for asking this but the documentation and Google are giving me no love at all. I have a Unicode character I want..

Creating a custom text-drawing view


need to implement all of the flexibility of NSTypesetter or NSLayoutManager of course but the text system on Mac is incredibly powerful and you should learn from its example. Implementing something similar to NSAttributedString for iPhone may be valuable..

How can I rotate an UIImageView by 20 degrees?


to achieve that iphone cocoa touch uikit uiimageview share improve this question A transformation matrix is not incredibly difficult. It's quite simple if you use the supplied functions imgView.transform CGAffineTransformMakeRotation .34906585..