

python Programming Glossary: includes

What is a metaclass in Python?


and I mean everything is an object in Python. That includes ints strings functions and classes. All of them are objects...

Python urllib2 with keep alive


improve this question Use the urlgrabber library. This includes an HTTP handler for urllib2 that supports HTTP 1.1 and keepalive..

Why can't Python find shared objects that are in directories in sys.path?


must be in LD_LIBRARY_PATH . Check if your LD_LIBRARY_PATH includes usr local lib and if it doesn't add it and try again. Some more..

Sorting text file by using Python


text file by using Python I have a text file includes over than 10 million lines. Lines like that 37024469 196672001..

How to install MySQLdb (Python data access library to MySQL) on Mac OS X?


working properly and the universe according to google includes numerous references to what a PITA it is and an inordinate number..

Does Python have an ordered set?


for .union doesn't match that of set but since it includes __or__ something similar can easily be added @staticmethod def..

What's the best SOAP client library for Python, and where is the documentation for it? [closed]


very lightweight but useful for both client and server includes a web2py server integration that ships with web2py. SOAPpy Distinct..

Can I use Python as a bash replacement?


fork a subprocess. The shell environment features. This includes stuff that sets a command's environment current directory and.. of bash and doing it in Python. Interaction features. This includes command history and what not. You don't need this for writing.. script writing. The shell file management features. This includes redirection and pipelines. This is trickier. Much of this can..

How do I perform HTML decoding/encoding using Python/Django?


should work but is missing the single quote. This version includes an updated tuple with the order of replacement reversed to avoid..

What do *args and **kwargs mean? [duplicate]


Python UnicodeDecodeError - Am I misunderstanding encode?


.decode cp1252 ignore It's unfortunate that Python 2.x includes an .encode method for strings too this is a convenience function..

Image library for Python 3


ctypes . Update the book Programming Python 4th Edition includes a PIL 1.1.7a2.win32 py3.1.000.exe binary in the examples distribution..

How do you create a daemon in Python?


code sample whilst not containing so much documentation includes sample code for passing commands such as start stop and restart...

Python 2.x gotcha's and landmines


base with Python and get a better picture of it which includes knowing its faults and surprises. To keep things specific I'm..

Python Code Obfuscation [closed]


which convert the code into an executable. It just includes the code in the binary and doesn't do any sort of serious obsfucation..

How can you profile a Python script?


project euler share improve this question Python includes a profiler called cProfile. It not only gives the total running..

How do you retrieve items from a dictionary in the order that they're inserted?


to the collections module in the standard library. It includes links to various implementations of ordered dictionaries see..

MySQL for Python in Windows


question Download page for python mysqldb . The page includes binaries for 32 and 64 bit versions of for Python 2.5 2.6 and..