

python Programming Glossary: increases

Shared-memory objects in python multiprocessing


overhead time.time t output and by the way the cost increases as the size of the array increases so I suspect there is still.. and by the way the cost increases as the size of the array increases so I suspect there is still overhead related to memory copying..

latin-1 to ascii


gives best result see Alex's answer speed difference increases further as more and more chars are latin. Here is the translation..

Simple Python Challenge: Fastest Bitwise XOR on Data Buffers


modules relaxed rules or create your own module. Marginal increases are useless. from os import urandom from numpy import frombuffer..

How do you return multiple values in Python?


quickly gets problematic as the number of values returned increases. What if you want to return four or five values Sure you could..

Length of generator output


like len list x would work too but that drastically increases the usage of memory. P.P.S. re checked... Disregard the P.S...

Calculating Pearson correlation and significance in Python


linear relationship. Positive correlations imply that as x increases so does y. Negative correlations imply that as x increases y.. increases so does y. Negative correlations imply that as x increases y decreases. The p value roughly indicates the probability of..

Reducing Django Memory Usage. Low hanging fruit?


Django Memory Usage. Low hanging fruit My memory usage increases over time and restarting Django is not kind to users. I am unsure..

Python 2.6 GC appears to cleanup objects, but memory is not released


any functional difference. Each call to leakSomeMemory increases the amount of memory consumed by this program. I fear I am making.. this myself with Python 2.6.4 and didn't notice persistent increases in memory usage. Some invocations of leakSomeMemory caused the..

Porting optimized Sieve of Eratosthenes from Python to C++


k congruent to 1 mod 6 and k k 2 otherwise and similarly increases the number by 6 k at each step. Here's another attempt at an..

Generating unique, ordered Pythagorean triplets


faster for N of 1000 it is quadratic on N so the speedup increases as N grows. I've encountered this kind of improvement often..

Python - How to check if a file is used by another application?


it This may be safe enough for your application . Safety increases as T X decreases. On nix you may have to double check etc ntpd.conf..

Python code performance decreases with threading


performance. I would have expected to see performance increases at least up to four threads one for each of my machine's cores..

SQLite Performance Benchmark — why is :memory: so slow…only 1.5X as fast as disk?


memory does seem to go up as the number of rows in the db increases. I'm not sure why the advantage is so small though I had a few..

Python tool that builds a dependency diagram for methods of a class


complex ones into smaller pieces so the amount of methods increases even more. I wonder if there is a tool that can scan the Python..

Use binary COPY table FROM with psycopg2


rows have different values for column s0 and this fraction increases to 6.17 for s6 probably related on the random method that I..

Deciding and implementing a trending algorithm in Django


looks less at absolute readership and focuses instead on increases in readership simply find the percent change in the 30 day moving..