

python Programming Glossary: inconsistent

Which classes cannot be subclassed?


Any violation of this invariant in a subclass will be inconsistent with the class' intent and would not work correctly. Examples..

HOWTO: Fix Python Indentation


Fix Python Indentation I have some python code that have inconsistent indentation there is a lot of mixture of tabs and spaces to..

Are locks unnecessary in multi-threaded Python code because of the GIL?


protects the interpreter internally. You can still have inconsistent updates in your own code. For example # usr bin env python import..

Python 3.x rounding behavior


languages e.g. C C Java Perl .. that do this sort of to me inconsistent rounding What am I missing here UPDATE @Li aungYip's comment..

Compiling python modules whith DEBUG defined on MSVC


#undef DEBUG for just one file I get many complaints about inconsistent DLL linkage. If I change the pragma in pythons include file..

How does sklearn.svm.svc's function predict_proba() work internally?


based on probability estimates from this model to be inconsistent with the ones you get from the SVM decision function f . E.g...

Handling of duplicate indices in NumPy assignments


this behaviour guaranteed or is there a chance I will get inconsistent results How do I know that I can interpret later in the way..

Bandpass filter in python


improve this question Trying to filter data with an inconsistent sample rate is very difficult impossible . So what you are going..

A clean, lightweight alternative to Python's twisted?


why do people do this in a framework API seems a little inconsistent. PyEv Immature doesn't seem to be anyone using it right now..

python threadsafe object cache


those operation just means that you won't have an entirely inconsistent state if you have two threads accessing a dictionary at the..

Python Django Global Variables [closed]


and might cause a lot of trouble. best case they'll be inconsistent I would simply store those statistics in the cache. Well actually..

python dictionary is thread safe?


object at the same time thereby leaving the system in an inconsistent state. That said you cannot modify a dictionary while iterating..

non-technical benefits of having string-type immutable


having some types immutable and others not That seems very inconsistent to me. In C if I want to have some string to be immutable I..

How to use OpenCV in Python?


named opencv ADDED 5 It has been suggested that I use inconsistent version of python. In more details OpenCV tries to use Python2.7..

Python or Ruby for a .NET developer?


and libraries. Its object orientation is a little inconsistent and feels to me IMHO like something that was bolted on to the..

Default values for arguments [duplicate]


with every call. What is the reason behind such seemingly inconsistent behavior Also how is it possible to justify the counter intuitive..

python: Dictionaries of dictionaries merge


if you want a useful error message when things are inconsistent while correctly accepting duplicate but consistent entries something..

How to get flat clustering corresponding to color clusters in the dendrogram created by scipy


t has to be in terms of various obscure measurements inconsistent distance maxclust monocrit . Any ideas python cluster analysis..

OPENGL User Interface Programming


get input I have to use WX. It makes the app look inconsistent to have traditional UI with traditional dialogs and combos and..

Inconsistency in python help('string') versus help(list)?


so Only because the person who wrote the doctrings was inconsistent or that different people wrote it Or do these methods the ones..