

python Programming Glossary: improperly

Sending email on behalf of Google Apps user


send email update s' e else logging.error 'Email message improperly initialized' What am I missing Are there other dependencies..

Under which circumstances do equal strings share the same reference?


you actual aim of checking whether attributes are improperly shared between instances This kind of check is only useful for..

Insert row into Excel spreadsheet using openpyxl in Python


as you may otherwise get # an output Worksheet that's got improperly formatted cells. # Or worse an error gets thrown if because..

How to re-install lxml?


4.3.2 and OS X 10.6.8. I also have a problem with improperly installed lxml . Here are some things that I found out First..

python: Should I use ValueError or create my own subclass to handle invalid strings? [duplicate]


My particular case is if a roman numeral string is improperly formatted but there are many other applicable cases. EDIT it..

Getting “Error loading MySQLdb module: No module named MySQLdb” - have tried previously posted solutions


for Python adapter but to no avail maybe I installed it improperly . Anyone dealt with this before python mysql django virtualenv..

Python CSV error: line contains NULL byte


that it may be an Excel file that's been saved as a .csv improperly. Is there any way I can get round this problem in Python UPDATE..

Making a method private in a python subclass


folks who seem to spend a lot of time calling the API's improperly. Also you'll see questions like this on SO. You can only help..

Private functions / Variables enforcement in python


Hey this is not part of the public API. If you use it improperly it could breaks things or kill your cat. I might also change..