

python Programming Glossary: import

Fastest way to list all primes below N in python


timeit.Timer stmt 'get_primes.get_primes 1000000 ' setup 'import get_primes' .timeit 1 1.1499958793645562 Can it be made even.. Timings were measured using the command python mtimeit s import primes primes. method 10000000 with method replaced by each.. each of the method names. primes.py # usr bin env python import psyco psyco.full from math import sqrt ceil import numpy as..

The Python yield keyword explained


one liner Map Zip without creating another list Then just import itertools . An example Let's see the possible orders of arrival..

How do you split a list into evenly sized chunks in Python?


chunks from l. for i in xrange 0 len l n yield l i i n import pprint pprint.pprint list chunks range 10 75 10 10 11 12 13..

Is there any way to kill a Thread in Python?


interval to see if it is time for him to exit. For example import threading import ctypes class StoppableThread threading.Thread.. it is time for him to exit. For example import threading import ctypes class StoppableThread threading.Thread Thread class with..

Non-blocking read on a subprocess.PIPE in python


on both Windows and Linux is to use Queue.get_nowait import sys from subprocess import PIPE Popen from threading import.. is to use Queue.get_nowait import sys from subprocess import PIPE Popen from threading import Thread try from Queue import.. sys from subprocess import PIPE Popen from threading import Thread try from Queue import Queue Empty except ImportError..

Flattening a shallow list in Python


are as efficient as using itertools.chain from itertools import chain list chain mi.image_set.all for mi in h.get_image_menu.. company . list_of_menuitems 'image00' 'image01' 'image10' import itertools chain itertools.chain list_of_menuitems print list..

What does `if __name__ == “__main__”:` do?


What does the if __name__ __main__ do # Threading example import time thread def myfunction string sleeptime lock args while.. what does args mean in this example python idioms python import share improve this question Expanding a bit on Harley's.. variable to have a value __main__ . If this file is being imported from another module __name__ will be set to the module's name...

How to improve performance of this code?


real 0m20.883s user 0m20.549s sys 0m0.020s Here's the code import Queue fCamel 'F' bCamel 'B' gap 'G' def solution formation return..

Calling an external command in Python


at the subprocess module in the stdlib from subprocess import call call ls l The advantage of subprocess vs system is that..

How to remove convexity defects in a Sudoku square?


with the result of a closing operation src ColorConvert Import http davemark.com images sudoku.jpg Grayscale white Closing..

How to do PGP in Python (generate keys, encrypt/decrypt)


following Key management generation listing export etc. Import keys from an external source e.g. public keys received from..

Import Error. Circular References


Error. Circular References I have a package like this package.. I am importing from moduleB import foo I am getting ImportError. ImportError cannot import name foo What could be the problem.. from moduleB import foo I am getting ImportError. ImportError cannot import name foo What could be the problem here and..

Import python package from local directory into interpreter


python package from local directory into interpreter I'm developing..

Python: What is the common header format?


or when generating documentation with automated tools. Import built in modules first followed by third party modules followed..

How to connect a progress bar to a function?


it and also added a button to start the new thread. # Import statements are the same class App tk.Tk def __init__ self tk.Tk.__init__..

Python module and __all__


from that module if you used from database import syntax. Import session into database __init__.py from .engine import session..

How to access a standard-library module in Python when there is a local module with the same name?


... import form from __future__ import absolute_import # Import uncertainties.math from . import math as local_math import math..

Import a module from a relative path


a module from a relative path How do I import a python module..

Pickled file won't load on Mac/Linux


self The character file is not available Character Import Error wx.OK wx.ICON_ERROR self.importError.ShowModal self.importError.Destroy..

Python Nose Import Error


Nose Import Error I can't seem to get the nose testing framework to recognize.. vv in the main directory where foo.py is I get Failure ImportError No module named foo ... ERROR ERROR Failure ImportError.. No module named foo ... ERROR ERROR Failure ImportError No module named foo Traceback most recent call last..

Unresolved Import Issues with PyDev and Eclipse


Import Issues with PyDev and Eclipse I am very new to PyDev and Python.. program is still not functioning correctly. I get an error ImportError No module named odbchelper. So it's clearly not getting..

SOAP suds and the dreaded schema Type Not Found error


suds.client import Client from suds.xsd.sxbasic import Import url 'file wsdl.wsdl' Import.bind 'http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap.. from suds.xsd.sxbasic import Import url 'file wsdl.wsdl' Import.bind 'http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap encoding ' client Client.. Perhaps an explicit location or filter will help. E.g. imp Import 'http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap encoding ' location 'http schemas.xmlsoap.org..

Python import coding style


benefit to importing modules in a function. Top Import import random def f L for i in xrange 1000 L.append random.random.. python test.py real 0m1.569s user 0m1.560s sys 0m0.010s Import in Function Body def f import random L for i in xrange 1000..

python: importing from builtin library when module with same name exists


custom_name f pathname desc f.close return module # Import non local module use a custom name to differentiate it from..

Relationship between scipy and numpy


Looking in the scipy __init__ method I see this # Import numpy symbols to scipy name space import numpy as _num from..

Cannot Import GST in Python


Import GST in Python I'm in a quandary. I'm following the following.. gst 0.10 gst__init__.py line 193 in from _gst import ImportError DLL load failed The specified module could not be found...

Suds Error: BadStatusLine in httplib


Here is the code used to create the client imp Import 'http www.w3.org 2001 XMLSchema' imp.filter.add 'http tempuri.org.. imp.filter.add 'http tempuri.org ' self.doctor ImportDoctor imp self.client Client self.URL doctor self.doctor What..