

python Programming Glossary: imply

Mixing read() and write() on Python files in Windows


I tried both r b and rb the official Python docs seem to imply the former is canonical. I put calls to fd.flush in various..

Mirror Image Diagonally in Python


This works for mirroring along the diagonal. You appear to imply that you may want to mirror along some arbitrary location. In..

How to properly define GAE's oauth2callback?


decorator.callback_handler What does that imply for myapp.yaml Is it right to declare a new block like url oauth2callback..

Python nested classes scope


is somewhat uncommon in Python and doesn't automatically imply any sort of special relationship between the classes. You're..

Python: Random is barely random at all?


a number within the period any given accumulator value can imply only one possible successive value. Therefore each value can..

What are “first class” objects? [closed]


language have. Depending on the language this can imply being expressible as an anonymous literal value being storable.. class The term object can be used loosely and doesn't imply being first class. And it would probably make more sense to..

Converting a Mercurial (hg) repository to Git on Windows (7)


to run a .sh file. Another stackoverflow thread seemed to imply that Powershell can run .sh files but I can't make it run them..

Best way to install python packages locally for development


throws up a load of extra chatter which seems to imply it's wrong 17 17 alex@socrates i686 goobook goobook help home..

Are there any static analysis tools for Python?


of the AST. Obviously testing is important and I don't imply that tests can be obviated entirely however there are many runtime..

Moving Beyond Factories in Python


of it. In Java you'd have a whole new class which would imply a whole new .java file and you'd need to make it a singleton..

Calculating Pearson correlation and significance in Python


coefficients this one varies between 1 and 1 with 0 implying no correlation. Correlations of 1 or 1 imply an exact linear.. 1 with 0 implying no correlation. Correlations of 1 or 1 imply an exact linear relationship. Positive correlations imply that.. imply an exact linear relationship. Positive correlations imply that as x increases so does y. Negative correlations imply that..

RGB to HSV conversion using PIL


is linear transformation from RGB which would seem to imply that it could be done with a matrix I have been unable to find..

URL building with Flask and non-unique handler names


URLs to handlers based on the URL pattern. But this would imply that the handler functions must have unique names across the..

Python serialization - Why pickle?


serialization is useful does serialization with pickle imply data 'compression' In other words I am looking for a doc on..

Trie (Prefix Tree) in Python


occur. It seems that each of the cases are unique and thus imply different modifications of the Trie. BUT is it really that complex..

Seeking clarification on apparent contradictions regarding weakly typed languages


I end up finding examples of programming languages that simply coerce convert types automatically. For instance in this article.. Type Languages the author says that Perl is weakly typed simply because I can concatenate a string to a number and viceversa.. Java and C# . Gee this is confusing The authors seem to imply that a language that prevents the application of certain operations..