

python Programming Glossary: increase

__lt__ instead of __cmp__


argument reflected behavior but that results in a net increase of complication in my humble opinion. Are there any unforeseen..

file.tell() inconsistency


open files as an iterator uses a read ahead buffer to increase efficiency. As a result the file pointer advances in large steps..

Why are uncompiled, repeatedly used regexes so much slower in Python 3?


over 5.7 times slower In Python 2.7 there is still an increase by a factor of 2.5 which is also more than I would have expected...

Render anti-aliased text on transparent surface in pygame


more complex people might want to see both. 1 2 decrease increase font size space toggle BG I left text wrapping out. Edit parse_text..

Lost connection to MySQL server during query


example if you are working with big BLOB columns you can increase the query limit by setting the server's max_allowed_packet variable.. which has a default value of 1MB. You may also need to increase the maximum packet size on the client end. More information..

Mass string replace in python?


and andrew's solutions kept going into 0 so I had to increase it to 10 000 runs. I ran it in Python 3 because of unicode with..

Fastest way to list all primes below N in python


off start prime # now we go back to top tk1 so we need to increase pos by 1 pos 1 cpos const pos # 30k 1 if tk1 pos prime cpos..

Python - Is a dictionary slow to find frequency of each character?


methods. Is this the fastest method UPDATE there is no increase in speed if collections and integers are used. It is because..

Adding a scrollbar to a grid of widgets in Tkinter


this limitation I'd hate to have to rewrite in PyQt and increase my executable image size by so much just to add a scrollbar..

Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) Interpolation with Python


or f interpol if you have f q . I find that runtimes don't increase much at all with nnear ymmv. p 1 p 2 p 2 weights nearer points..

Python regular expressions - how to capture multiple groups from a wildcard expression?


is fixed. Placing a quantifier behind a group does not increase group count imagine all other group indexes increment because..

Is it possible to specify your own distance function using Scikits.Learn K-Means Clustering?


axis 1 def Lqmetric x y None q .5 # yes a metric may increase weight of near matches see ... return np.abs x y q .mean if..

How to convert an integer to the shortest url-safe string in Python?


64 5 1 ' _____' A few side notes You could marginally increase the human readibility of the base 64 numbers by putting string.digits.. If you're encoding a lot of negative numbers you could increase the efficiency by using a sign bit or one's two's complement..

Analyze audio using Fast Fourier Transform


frequency buckets. So the frequencies will start from 0 increase by 172 Hz for each coefficient up to the N 2 coefficient then..

Multivariate spline interpolation in python/scipy?


of points this is a rather large overhead. It doesn't increase with the number points you want to interpolate at however. As..

Matplotlib - label each bin


calculated from the range data Is there some way I can increase the resolution of x tick labels even to the point of one for..

How can you make a vote-up-down button like in Stackoverflow?


upward and downward arrows such that the number can increase or decrease how to save the action af an user to an variable..

Decrypting strings in Python that were encrypted with MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256 in PHP


and the key size used with the key you give is 128 it may increase if you give it a bigger key . Unfortunately the Python implementation..