

python Programming Glossary: inclined

Python - easy way to add N seconds to a datetime.time?


readable b a datetime.timedelta seconds 3 if you're so inclined. If you're after a function that can do this you can look into..

Can't add a User to the Database


since it was the same in your other deleted question I'm inclined to think not but the indentation for your two clean methods..

Authenticating to Active Directory with python-ldap always returns (97, [])


indicates that what I am doing should Just Work I would be inclined to think there's something wrong with the AD servers but the..

Python memory usage of numpy arrays


information theory or thermodynamics or something so I'm inclined to believe that getsizeof doesn't work with numpy arrays. Any..

Subclassing dict: should dict.__init__() be called?


function that returns a dict to which you add methods I'm inclined to prefer the first solution because the factory function returns..

Why is ''>0 True in Python? [duplicate]


thinking. He didn't do anything to forbid them but was not inclined to accept any compromises to support them either. Note that..

Could random.randint(1,10) ever return 11?


and randint really behave as advertised . I am very much inclined to believe so but the way I read it randrange is essentially..

Python UnicodeDecodeError - Am I misunderstanding encode?


previous message by saying But the Chinese . If you feel inclined or obligated to do so though delay it by thinking that the Unicode..

How is CPython's set() implemented?


a hashtable is an O 1 operation on average. If you are so inclined you can even browse the CPython source code for set which according..

Nice IDE for wxPython or Tkinter GUI Development [closed]


available GUI toolkits for Python the ones I feel the most inclined to are wxPython and Tkinter but I don't want to code all of..

Seeking clarification on apparent contradictions regarding weakly typed languages


may end up being considered strongly typed. I am inclined to believe though that I must be wrong in this interepretation..