

python Programming Glossary: imposes

Key-ordered dict in python


O 1 is an extremely exacting requirement which basically imposes an underlying hash table and I hope you do mean random READS..

PDF bleed detection


terms of physical page geometry or intended use it merely imposes clipping on the page contents. However in the absence of additional..

How do I make a defaultdict safe for unexpecting clients?


Why doesn't finite repetition in lookbehind work in some flavors?p


have varying supports for lookbehind differently some imposes certain restrictions and some doesn't even support it at all...

How do I get more locations?


74 limit 50 What I don't understand is that if the call imposes a limit of 50 search results which is the maximum how can I..

What are the different options for social authentication on Appengine - how do they compare?


is a problem with their authentication the second option imposes more responsibility on you but still allows you to say that..

Seeking clarification on apparent contradictions regarding weakly typed languages


to memory you do not own. Violating memory safety. C# imposes type restrictions that are checked at both compile time and..