

python Programming Glossary: inconsistency

file.tell() inconsistency


inconsistency Does anybody happen to know why when you iterate over a file..

SyntaxError inconsistency in Python?


inconsistency in Python Consider these two snippets try a a a except SyntaxError..

Python: why does `random.randint(a, b)` return a range inclusive of `b`?


b 1 like range ... . Is there any reason for this apparent inconsistency python random share improve this question I tried to get..

non-technical benefits of having string-type immutable


Is there a good reason why it make sense to have this inconsistency Or is it just purely for technical lower level reasons java..

Bug or feature: cloning a numpy array w/ slicing


17 array 1 1 2 3 Is there a good reason for this slight inconsistency or should I file a bug python numpy share improve this question..

What is the __dict__.__dict__ attribute of a Python class?


by the respective descriptors in the class. And lastly the inconsistency that A.__dict__ is different from A.__dict__ '__dict__' is because.. is the same thing as A.__dict__ '__weakref__' . If this inconsistency didn't exist using A.__dict__ would not work and you'd have..