

python Programming Glossary: inappropriate

matplotlib wont draw python3


a rouse. gosh darnit MacOSX I'm running ubuntu. assumed inappropriate QtAgg requires pyqt. see Qt4Agg Qt4Agg see Installing PyQt4..

python: Should I use ValueError or create my own subclass to handle invalid strings? [duplicate]


receives an argument that has the right type but an inappropriate value and the situation is not described by a more precise exception..

SQLite, python, unicode, and non-utf data


encoding ... including blowing up when an inappropriate encoding is supplied. Is that a happy circumstance That the..

Python (and Python C API): __new__ versus __init__


and modifies the attributes of that instance. This is inappropriate for an immutable type as it would allow them to be modified..

Is there a need for a “use strict” Python compiler?


your program dies immediately when you try to do something inappropriate for those types. What if your program never does anything 'inappropriate'.. for those types. What if your program never does anything 'inappropriate' . Then your program works. 'nuff said. http stackoverflow.com..

How to handle “duck typing” in Python?


without that interface then nine times out of ten it's inappropriate to catch the exception. Most of the time an AttributeError is..

Python JSON encoding


I don't understand the Pythons JSON module s I'm using an inappropriate data type. python json encoding types simplejson share improve..