

python Programming Glossary: importance

Database Version Control for MySQL


can occur within the same .SQL file as the delta is of importance. The dump of the schema is of the target schema version CREATE.. is one .SQL file per database object as the schema is of importance. I use RoundhousE to apply the delta change scripts. I do not..

remove duplicates from nested dictionaries in list


those duplicate dictionaries. Preserving order is of no importance. Thanks. EDIT If there are five inputs like this L value1 fssd..

Has anyone found a good set of python plugins for vim — specifically module completion?


code completion. So here's what I'm looking for ordered by importance . Code completion meaning the ability to code complete modules..

What kind of applications are built using Python?


allocation garbage collection and so forth despite the importance of application niches where those techniques are a negative..

How to design an application in a modular way?


might not be the optimal solution. If this is of any importance the core will be natively developed for GNU Linux. Thank you..

Slicing a list into a list of sub-lists


in input is not divisible by n I assumed that it's of no importance with this you'll get last element equal 2 if n equal 7 for example...

Building lxml for Python 2.7 on Windows


C runtime I'd like to thank Kev Dwyer for pointing out importance of version of VS which is used and Stefan Behnel for pointing..

Validating a yaml document in python


for lots of important use cases. See e.g. YAML and the importance of Schema Validation « Stuart Gunter As already mentioned there..

Sorting a list of lists in Python


containing the values you wish to sort on in order of importance. For example c2.sort key lambda row row 2 row 1 or c2.sort key..

Why is printing to stdout so slow? Can it be sped up?


with dev null Congratulations you have just discovered the importance of I O buffering. The disk appears to be faster because it is..

Add class to Django label_tag() output


form rendering in both cases. If this is a task of high importance I'd create a Mixin that allows me to annotate the form fields..

Python windows 7 screenshot without PIL


area it takes a screenshot of but that's not of the utmost importance. The main problem seems to be I'm running on 64bit and a lot..

fast, large-width, non-cryptographic string hashing in python


have the following properties in a relative loose order of importance. Have an output range extending at least 34 bits long likely..

Anyone used Dabo for a medium-big project?


I have used it for my own projects since 2004. Whatever importance you attach to release numbers we are at revision 4522 with consistent..

Finding k-nearest neighbors for a given vector?


between two points in the feature space. weight The importance given to each point for classification. Classes kNN Holds information..

Building Python and more on missing modules


so please bear with me. I am beginning to realize the importance of learning and building one myself Thank you very much EDIT..

multiprocessing.Pool seems to work in Windows but not in ubuntu?


have Wingware Python IDE but I doubt that this is of any importance There are two problems with my code that don't arise when my..

Select random item with weight


is that every item has an associated weight priority or importance . Now the smallest weight is 100 negative and zero values can..