

python Programming Glossary: inclusive

Looking for an explanation of different Bootstrap apps for Django


could manually place them in my root but I'd enjoy an all inclusive within Django install. Any tips python django twitter bootstrap..

Iterating through a range of dates in Python


this iteration stops before reaching the end_date. So for inclusive iteration use the next day as you would with range . share..

Why (0-6) is -6 = False? [duplicate]


share improve this question All integers from 5 to 256 inclusive are cached as global objects sharing the same address with CPython..

Project Euler 17


in total. If all the numbers from 1 to 1000 one thousand inclusive were written out in words how many letters would be used NOTE..

Python Mistake - Number of letters in name


have a short name. If the name has between 4 and 8 letters inclusive your program should work like this Enter your name Jimmy Hi..

Download file using urllib in Python with the wget -c feature


that bytes 18000 19000 be downloaded. # The range is inclusive and starts at 0. # req.headers 'Range' 'bytes s s' 18000 19000..

SQLite, python, unicode, and non-utf data


applications. Background The range U 0000 to U 001F inclusive is designated in Unicode as C0 Control Characters . These exist.. others that are used rarely. The range U 0080 to U 009F inclusive is designated in Unicode as C1 Control Characters . These exist..

Python: why does `random.randint(a, b)` return a range inclusive of `b`?


why does `random.randint a b ` return a range inclusive of `b` It has always seemed strange to me that random.randint..

Could random.randint(1,10) ever return 11?


1.0. This is a general convention in mathematics and is inclusive while and is exclusive and the two types of parenthesis can..

Python regular expressions


that will identify the class of valid NRIC numbers inclusive of the ending alphabets python regex share improve this question..

Checking if a number is a prime number in Python


2 a That is a is prime if all numbers between 2 and a not inclusive give non zero remainder when divided into a. share improve..

Pythonic macro syntax


Partial syntax Var name 'start' to Var name 'end' Optional inclusive name 'inc' Optional step Var name 'step' if step None step quote.. Optional step Var name 'step' if step None step quote 1 if inclusive return quote xrange start end 1 step else return quote xrange.. syntax Var name 'start' to Var name 'end' Optional inclusive name 'inc' Optional step Var name 'step' def handle syntaxtree..

How to write the Fibonacci Sequence in Python


the numbers between that range . The trick is to use it inclusively which I do not know how to do in Python I'm assuming this.. know how to do in Python I'm assuming this means to use an inclusive range . What I have so far is no actual coding but rather Write..

Python regular expression matching a multiline block of text


target text uses only linefeeds you should use this more inclusive version of the regex re.compile r ^ . n r n n r n . re.MULTILINE..

What's a good lightweight Python MVC framework? [closed]


web2py is 265Kbytes of source code and 1.2MB all inclusive compare with 4.6MB of Django . Yet web2py will do everything..

Remove specific lines from a large text file in python


find and replace strings '1 3 d' from line 1 to line 3 inclusive delete the entire line sed is a really powerful tool which can..