

python Programming Glossary: imread

convert rgb image to grayscale in python


figure out how to do it. in matlab I use this img rgb2gray imread 'image.png' In the matplotlib tutorial they don't cover it... in the image import matplotlib.image as mpimg img mpimg.imread 'image.png' and then they slice the array but that's not the.. simple function that works with the image imported using imread in 5 minutes. It's horribly inefficient but that's why I was..

Representing and solving a maze given an image


for BFS function path solve_maze img_file Init data img imread img_file img rgb2gray img maze img 0 start 985 398 finish 26..

How to determine a region of interest and then crop an image using OpenCV


highgui.h int main int argc char argv cv Mat img cv imread argv 1 std cout Original image size img.size std endl Convert..

Image comparison algorithm


with the others. import scipy as sp from scipy.misc import imread from scipy.signal.signaltools import correlate2d as c2d def.. i ... # get JPG image as Scipy array RGB 3 layer ... data imread 'im s.jpg' i ... # convert to grey scale using W3C luminance..

How can I quantify difference between two images?


General idea Load both images as arrays scipy.misc.imread and calculate an element wise difference. Calculate the norm.. will need these imports import sys from scipy.misc import imread from scipy.linalg import norm from scipy import sum average.. convert to grayscale for simplicity img1 to_grayscale imread file1 .astype float img2 to_grayscale imread file2 .astype float..

NumPy, PIL adding an image


way I would do this in MATLAB would be something like M1 imread '_1.jpg' M2 imread '_2.jpg' resM M1 M2 imwrite resM 'res.jpg'.. in MATLAB would be something like M1 imread '_1.jpg' M2 imread '_2.jpg' resM M1 M2 imwrite resM 'res.jpg' I get something like..

Python and OpenCV. How do I detect all (filled)circles/round objects in an image?


cv int main int argc char argv Mat img gray if argc 2 img imread argv 1 1 .data return 1 cvtColor img gray CV_BGR2GRAY smooth..

How to detect motion between two PIL images? (wxPython webcam integration example included)


ImageChops PIL.ImageChops from scipy.misc import imread from scipy.linalg import norm from scipy import sum average.. .open image2 if grayscale self.image1 self.DoGrayscale imread image1 .astype float self.image2 self.DoGrayscale imread image2.. imread image1 .astype float self.image2 self.DoGrayscale imread image2 .astype float else self.image1 imread image1 .astype..

How can I make the xtick labels of a plot be simple drawings using matplotlib?


definition of the Bbox . Now I read in the image using the imread routine and set it's results a numpy array to the data of bbox_image.. and add the artist to the axes bbox_image.set_data imread 'thumb.png' ax.add_artist bbox_image This results in an updated.. classes and methods from matplotlib.image import BboxImage imread from matplotlib.transforms import Bbox share improve this..