

python Programming Glossary: importing

Loading all modules in a folder in Python


in Python Could someone provide me with a good way of importing a whole directory of modules I have a structure like this Foo..

Should Python import statements always be at the top of a module?


constants. However if the class method function that I am importing is only used in rare cases surely it is more efficient to do.. coding style share improve this question Module importing is quite fast but not instant. This means that Putting the imports..

Python: How to make a cross-module variable?


updated in others. I'd be fine if I could set foo before importing other modules and then they would see the same value for it...

Force Python to forego native sqlite3 and use the (installed) latest sqlite3 version


underlying sqlite3 database library . So make sure you are importing it properly import sqlite3 sqlite3.version_info 2 4 1 sqlite3.sqlite_version_info..

Circular import dependency in Python


it really doesn't exist because we were in the middle of importing it. How can this problem be remedied python dependencies circular..

py2exe fails to generate an executable


surprised to see win32 mentioned as I am not explicitly importing it . Also my program starts up quite happily with this command..

convert a string of bytes into an int (python)


James' answer a little better because it doesn't require importing another module but Greg's method is faster from timeit import.. UPDATE Someone asked in comments what's the problem with importing another module. Well importing a module isn't necessarily cheap.. what's the problem with importing another module. Well importing a module isn't necessarily cheap take a look Timer import struct..

Python: Best way to check for Python version in a program that uses new language features?


.py files and check compatibility in the main file before importing e.g. in __init__.py in a package # __init__.py # Check compatibility..

Python import coding style


local namespace there is a slight performance benefit to importing modules in a function. Top Import import random def f L for..

How to dynamically load a Python class


in a package string is an attribute of the module you're importing. Thus something like this won't work __import__ 'foo.bar.baz.qux'..

Where do the Python unit tests go?


. I prefer #1 for its simplicity of finding the tests and importing them. Whatever build system you're using can easily be configured..

Circular (or cyclic) imports in Python


the executing script runs in a module named __main__ importing the script under its own name will create a new module unrelated..

What does python file extensions, .pyc .pyd .pyo stand for?


will build a .pyc file that contains the bytecode to make importing it again later easier and faster . .pyo This is a .pyc file..

How do you reload a Django model module using the interactive interpreter via “manage.py shell”?


What gives I've also tried rerunning the import command importing the module using different syntax deleting all references to..

Importing Python modules from different working directory


Python modules from different working directory I have a Python..

Importing modules: __main__ vs import as module


modules __main__ vs import as module To preface I think I may..

Good graph traversal algorithm


sys.stderr.write Skipping s n user else sys.stderr.write Importing s n user while import_pool.num_jobs 20 print Too many queued.. alias_view.import_id id lambda rv sys.stderr.write Done Importing s n user sys.stderr.write Crawling s n user users crawl id 5..

Picklable data containers that are dumpable in the current namespace


to dump variables from the namespace created by argparse Importing variables from a namespace object in Python Perhaps I could..

Why are there dummy modules in sys.modules?


are there dummy modules in sys.modules Importing the standard logging module pollutes sys.modules with a bunch..

Importing modules on portable python


modules on portable python I am running PortablePython_1.1_py2.6.1..

Importing a CSV file into a sqlite3 database table using Python


a CSV file into a sqlite3 database table using Python I have..

Global Variable from a different file Python


in some way. python share improve this question Importing file2 in file1.py makes the global i.e. module level names bound..

Python: import the containing package


that resides within the package so i can use that function Importing __init__ inside the module will not import the package but instead..

Importing files from different folder in Python


files from different folder in Python I've the following folder..

Driving Excel from Python in Windows


Microsoft Excel 11.0 Object Library ... Generating... Importing module x ipython from win32com.client import Dispatch excel..

Importing a long list of constants to a Python file


a long list of constants to a Python file In Python is there.. Python isn't preprocessed. You can just do MY_CONSTANT 50 Importing them will work import myconstants print myconstants.MY_CONSTANT..

Cyclic module dependencies and relative imports in Python


are in the directory pkg with an empty __init__.py . Importing pkg.a or pkg.b works fine as explained in this answer . If I..

Importing in Python


in Python In Python 2.5 I import modules by changing environment..

Python: Importing modules from parent folder


Importing modules from parent folder I am running Python 2.5. This is..

Read Unicode characters from command-line arguments in Python 2.x on Windows


is what I use win32_unicode_argv.py win32_unicode_argv.py Importing this will replace sys.argv with a full Unicode form. Windows..

Properly importing modules in Python


that I'm causing a problem with recursive module imports. Importing moduleImports imports thisModule which imports moduleImports..

pydev breakpoints not working


t' 'received command ' '101 t9 t' Finding files... done. Importing test modules ... testAtomic testTypes.TypeTest ... ok testCyclic..