

python Programming Glossary: incompatible

Eclipse, PyDev and Python configuration error


adding that some common causes for this problem may be incompatible versions. I have the latest Java which is one of the requirements..

Why print statement is not pythonic? [closed]


to novices. Languages rarely change in deep and backwards incompatible ways Python does it about once a decade and few language features..

Implementing __getitem__ in new-style classes


of 'int' object needs an argument This is a backwards incompatible change so it only applies to new style objects. share improve..

Using FTDI D2XX drivers with python from Raspberry Pi on raspbian soft-float


is the gcc on my system generated code that was binary incompatible with the D2XX libraries and would not allow them to be linked..

Difference between class declarations


and classes and because several things change in backwards incompatible ways you need to 'opt in' explicitly inherit from object to..

How to trouble-shoot HDFStore Exception: cannot find the correct atom type


Finding the exponent of n = 2**x using bitwise operations [logarithm in base 2 of n]


agnostic and worrying about performance are pretty much incompatible concepts. Most modern processors have a CLZ instruction count..

Why is ''>0 True in Python? [duplicate]


compatibility to allow some long desired but backwards incompatible enhancements especially simplifications and removal of obsolete..

The problem with installing PIL using virtualenv or buildout


The PIL version packaged on pypi by the author is incompatible with setuptools and thus not easy_installable. People have created..

Difference between class foo and class foo(object) in Python


them. The result is new style classes . These do have some incompatible differences to old style classes however so for backward compatability..

Multi-dimensional char array (array of strings) in python ctypes


bar libhello.cfunction input This gives me TypeError incompatible types c_char_Array_4 instance instead of c_char_p instance ...

Python windows 7 screenshot without PIL


seems to be I'm running on 64bit and a lot of things seem incompatible with that. I don't really want to move back to 32bit though..

Python and pip, list all versions of a package that's available?


but the newest version is too new there were backwards incompatible changes made. So I'd like to somehow have a list of all the..

How to install PyCairo 1.10 on Mac OSX with default python


and found out that the true cause of failure was incompatible architecture. The waf script tries to build a simple source..

PIL Installation Fails missing:stdarg.h [duplicate]


or directory _imaging.c 3017 warning initialization from incompatible pointer type _imaging.c 3077 warning initialization from incompatible.. pointer type _imaging.c 3077 warning initialization from incompatible pointer type In file included from Library Frameworks Python.framework.. or directory _imaging.c 3017 warning initialization from incompatible pointer type _imaging.c 3077 warning initialization from incompatible..

Installing lapack for numpy
