

python Programming Glossary: importable

Best way to share code across several setup.py scripts?


here on out # the yoursharedsetuppackage is installed and importable. import yoursharedsetuppackage setup ... share improve this..

Django Gunicorn wsgi


should be in the form of a python module import that is importable from the Python path you set. So pythonpath ' home code po'..

How to run Python egg files directly without installing them?


improve this question A python egg is a a single file importable distribution format . Which is typically a python package. You..

Why python finds module instead of package if they have the same name?


absolute_import or use Python 3 Never repeat the top level importable name of the package in any path inside it. What solution is..

Making a Python script Object-Oriented


since for scripts with reusable functions it makes them importable from other modules . This has little to do with object oriented..

How to load compiled python modules from memory?


b 200 and your goal is to go from that byte string b to an importable module ciao . Here's how import marshal c marshal.loads b 8..

What is a Python egg?


of Python eggs is that they should be discoverable and importable. That is it should be possible for a Python application to easily.. a system and to ensure that the desired eggs' contents are importable. The .egg format is well suited to distribution and the easy..

multiprocessing problem [pyqt, py2exe]


within this package requires that the main method be importable by the children. This is covered in Programming guidelines however..

Listing installed python site-packages? [duplicate]


1.3_3 py2.6.egg' ............... But how to list the importable name from the site packages installed E.g before import results..

What is __path__ useful for?


then both zope.interface and zope.schema will be importable because pkgutil will have change __path__ to ' usr lib python2.6..

Understanding A Chain of Imports in Python


package in src for example the pack directory now becomes importable. Hence from pack import pack . However to access util.py you..

Building Python and more on missing modules


too. So what is going on here Readline is also non importable. 3RD EDIT I started everything over except I didn't reinstall..

Python: How to run unittest.main() for all source files in a subdirectory?


all of the test files must be modules or packages importable from the top level directory of the project this means that..

Import paths - the right way?


it is at the root all the modules within the root will be importable provided there is an __init__.py file in them. So using your..

Nested .pth Files or Loading Extra site-dirs from a Network


file points to that directory which contains all of the importable packages wx wxPython etc. . I currently have three other packages.. has several base modules. I would need to move all of the importable modules into the same directory to get the desired result. If..