

python Programming Glossary: in1

Simple Python Challenge: Fastest Bitwise XOR on Data Buffers


support #define ALIGNMENT 16 static void memxor const char in1 const char in2 char out ssize_t n const char end in1 n while.. char in1 const char in2 char out ssize_t n const char end in1 n while in1 end out in1 ^ in2 in1 in2 out code2 PyObject res.. char in2 char out ssize_t n const char end in1 n while in1 end out in1 ^ in2 in1 in2 out code2 PyObject res PyString_FromStringAndSize..

Python: Clicking a button with urllib or urllib2


method GET ...... ...... ...... input type text name in1 value abc INPUT type submit value Place a Bid form Python #.. http mysite.com blah.php # input1_name gets parsed into in1 # input1_value gets parsed into abc form_url form_target input1_name.. input1_value # form_url value is http mysite.com blah.php in1 abc # Then open the new URL which is the same as clicking the..