

python Programming Glossary: improvement

Distributing my python scripts as jars with jython?


is my first try at this class. Let me know if it needs improvement package org.python.util import org.python.core.imp import org.python.core.PySystemState..

Difference between __str__ and __repr__ in Python


other class as long is it supports readability it is an improvement. Container ™s __str__ uses contained objects __repr__ This seems..

Python 3 performance?


of special casing for small integers. There ™s room for improvement but it will happen after 3.0 is released share improve this..

Version number comparison


'' 1 ... And here is my implementation open for improvement def mycmp version1 version2 parts1 int x for x in version1.split..

Most efficient way of making an if-elif-elif-else statement when the else is done the most?


Simple Python Challenge: Fastest Bitwise XOR on Data Buffers


Try Using scipy.weave and SSE2 intrinsics gives a marginal improvement. The first invocation is a bit slower since the code needs to..

What are good ways to make my Python code run first time?


tool for working with python code and IPython is a great improvement over the built in REPL Read Eval Print Loop . If you actually..

How to profile my code?


import psyco psyco.full Is this right It did not show any improvement. Any other way of speeding up please suggest. python profiling..

App Engine Bulk Loader Performance


achieved 5.5 6 seconds per 1000 entities which is a major improvement from 50 seconds per 1000 entities. share improve this answer..

Why avoid while loops?


Reducing Django Memory Usage. Low hanging fruit?


is an obvious biggie. Can anyone suggest others How much improvement would caching on low traffic sites In this case I'm running..

Regular expression to detect semi-colon terminated C++ for & while loops


REGEX_STR re.MULTILINE re.VERBOSE Can anyone suggest an improvement to this regular expression It's getting too complicated for..

multithreaded blas in python/numpy


so an optimised implementation is unlikely to give any improvement. Whether multi threading can give better performance if you..

Generating unique, ordered Pythagorean triplets


. Its time complexity is cubic on N . Version 2 the first improvement comes from requiring x y z to hold as in for x in 1..N for y.. duplicated solutions. However it is still cubic on N the improvement is just a reduction of the co efficient of N cubed. It is pointless.. increases as N grows. I've encountered this kind of improvement often enough to be mistrustful of counting loops for any but..

How can I check the data transfer on a network interface in python?


index '' # This method is horribly inefficient... improvement left as exercise for the reader... if index return self.bulkwalk_index..

Is Python faster and lighter than C++? [closed]


where Python wins with the simple and concise style. This improvement on development cost often outweighs the cost of additional cpu..

Using Colormaps to set color of line in matplotlib


ax.grid plt.show Resulting in Using a ScalarMappable is an improvement over the approach presented in my related answer creating over..