

python Programming Glossary: inconvenience

Create Python EXE without MSVCP90.dll


target users must download this file. This will be a huge inconvenience for my users mostly corporate clients who will not know how..

Python: is using “..%(var)s..” % locals() a good practice?


of caution and make things more explicit suffer the small inconvenience of spelling out exactly what you're going and enjoy all the..

DeadlineExceededErrors with GAE/Google API refreshing access token


of 5 15 PM US Pacific on June 7 2013. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience and continued support. Please..

simulate private variables in python [duplicate]


one example where inability to hide variables is just an inconvenience then another that's really a problem class MyObject object def.. two ways to access 'length' of the item here. It's only an inconvenience and nothing horrible. from wares import ImplementationSpecific..

What PEP 8 guidelines do you ignore, and which ones do you stick to?


80x25 environment in a pinch editor wrapping is a minor inconvenience I'm not going to maim my code during normal development just..

Setting local variables to a function instead of using globals optimize the function


a practical noticeable speed up that could balance the inconvenience of the larger function signature In which specific conditions.. a practical noticeable speed up that could balance the inconvenience of the larger function signature I very much doubt it as the..