

python Programming Glossary: increased

List comprehension vs generator expression's weird timeit results?


y in x 100000 loops best of 3 1.51 usec per loop then I increased the size of list and timed it again lis 'a' 'b' 'c' 'd' 'e'..

Using multiprocessing.Manager.list instead of a real list makes the calculation take ages


The results still look correct but the execution time has increased so dramatically that I think I'm doing something wrong time..

Why accessing to class variable from within the class needs “self.” in Python? [duplicate]


like other languages and having implicit self could have increased the complexity and thus cost of the lookups. Edit There is also..

pygame - KEYDOWN event - line not updating position


hit the keys multiple times to rotate the barrels. I also increased the value the barrels rotate from radians 1 to radians 10 ...

Setting the size of the plotting canvas in Matplotlib


dpi dpi So the figure y size height is increased and the y size of the axes is decreased equally. This gives..

Distance for each intersected points of a line in increased order in 2D coordinate


for each intersected points of a line in increased order in 2D coordinate I am calculating the distance between..

when does Python allocate new memory for identical strings?


for identical existing constants vs memory consumption increased if new copies of constants keep being made . I don't know of..

Django memory usage going up with every request


the process after seconds of inactivity helping with increased memory usage. Read this forum post for detailed instructions..

How is it that json serialization is so much faster than yaml serialization in python?


. The YAML parsers are comparatively complex leading to increased overheads. JSON ™s foremost design goal is simplicity and universality...

Python frequency detection


as the other methods mentioned above. The accuracy can be increased by increasing the chunk size or reduced by decreasing it . The..

App Engine Bulk Loader Performance


increase the bandwidth_limit to something reasonable. I increased rps_limit to 500 and everything improved. I achieved 5.5 6 seconds..

How can I fetch() more than 1MB on Google App Engine?


cron job handlers. URLFetch allowed response size has been increased up to 32 MB. Request size is still limited to 1 MB. share..

Clearing memory used by rpy2


are involved. This is sometimes leading to transient increased memory usage when large objects are overwritten in loops and..

Need help writing a twisted proxy


self if not self._finished # We might have increased or decreased the page size. Since we have not written # to the..

I'm new to python, I can't tell if this will work or not [closed]


morning and then just time.sleep that amount. Or for increased robustness to e.g. changing your clock time time.sleep half..

Is python automagically parallelizing IO- and CPU- or memory-bound sections?


tests doing wc l on a 600 meg file an ISO the performance increased by about 20 . Each test was done immediately after clearing..

scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline not smoothing regardless of parameters


to choose the number of knots. Number of knots will be increased until the smoothing condition is satisfied sum w i y i s x i..

how soon is `__del__` called after reference count drops to zero?


to call __del__ the refcount of the object is temporarily increased and the __del__ method can prevent destruction of the object..