

python Programming Glossary: inconvenient

getdefaultlocale returning None when running sync.db on Django project in PyCharm


possibly create a symlink in your PATH to make this less inconvenient Open PyCharm preferences browse to Console Django Console type..

How can I implement matlabs ``ismember()`` command in Python?


that matrix A has a value contained in vector v. One inconvenient solution would be import numpy as np A np.array 0 1 2 1 2 3..

Python - Lazy loading of class attributes


is bad for introspection and a workaround with __dir__ is inconvenient. A better solution than the two proposed ones is utilizing descriptors..

How to quickly debug misbehaving script in Python without pdb?


after I run my script NOTE Using pdb is too slow and inconvenient I wish I could grep over all cases when my function is executed..

'METHODNAME' as Client method versus irc_'METHODNAME' in twisted


easiest. On the other hand if they present the data in an inconvenient format or are awkward to use in some other way you can drop..

python float to Decimal conversion


you have to convert float to a string first. This is very inconvenient since standard string formattors for float require that you..

What PEP 8 guidelines do you ignore, and which ones do you stick to?


people religiously stick to and why and what people find inconvenient or inadequate. In my case and at work in general there's only..

How to deploy a Python application with libraries as source with no further dependencies?


will never leave the walled garden and we have seriously inconvenient barriers to getting to the outside internet NTLM authenticating..

Is there a way to instantiate a class without calling __init__?


class and __init__ handles it but if that's impossible or inconvenient you can set some instance variables after the instance was created..

Import paths - the right way?


run package1.module1 from project root If so this makes inconvenient to run it from an IDE i need somehow to set paths in it. UPDATE..

Underscore vs Double underscore with variables and methods


to access __private names from outside their class just inconvenient and fragile it adds a dependency on the exact name of the superclass..