

python Programming Glossary: imshow

How do I convert (or scale) axis values and redefine the tick frequency in matplotlib?


0 dpi thumb.size 1 dpi fig plt.figure figsize figsize plt.imshow thumb origin 'lower' aspect 'equal' plt.show ...so following.. units i.e. pixels of your original plot since you're using imshow you said you know how to do this though. I haven't dealt with..

Unrecognized or unsupported array type in function cvGetMat in python opencv


File home OpenCV 2.4.3 cam_try.py line 6 in module cv2.imshow 'video test' im error home OpenCV 2.4.3 modules core src array.cpp.. appears to be that that the array im you're passing to cv2.imshow is poorly formed. Two ideas This could be caused by quirky behavior.. from time to time. Before you pass the im array to imshow try ensuring that it is not null. If the error occurs on every..

Is there a way to convert pyplot.imshow() object to numpy array?


there a way to convert pyplot.imshow object to numpy array I need to visualize a 2D numpy array... numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot img pyplot.imshow radiance_val #radiance_val is a 2D numpy array of size 512 512.. False frame1.axes.get_yaxis .set_visible False plt.imshow np.random.random 10 10 buffer_ StringIO plt.savefig buffer_..

How to determine a region of interest and then crop an image using OpenCV


vertices i vertices i 1 4 cv Scalar 0 255 0 1 CV_AA cv imshow Original img cv waitKey 0 Set the ROI to the area defined by.. the defined ROI cv Mat crop img roi Display cropped ROI cv imshow Cropped ROI crop cv waitKey 0 return 0 share improve this..

How to plot an image with non-linear y-axis with Matplotlib using imshow?


plot an image with non linear y axis with Matplotlib using imshow How can I plot an 2D array as an image with Matplotlib having.. axis For example ax subplot 111 ax.yaxis.set_ticks 0 2 4 8 imshow data This means there must be gaps in the data for the non existent.. 111 ax.yaxis.set_ticks 16 8 4 2 1 0 axis 0.5 4.5 31.5 0.5 imshow b interpolation nearest Here is a sample with an array containing..

How can I plot NaN values as a special color with imshow in matplotlib?


can I plot NaN values as a special color with imshow in matplotlib I am trying to use imshow in matplotlib to plot.. color with imshow in matplotlib I am trying to use imshow in matplotlib to plot data as a heatmap but some of the values.. a np.arange 25 .reshape 5 5 .astype float a 3 np.nan ax.imshow a interpolation 'nearest' f.canvas.draw The resultant image..

plotting results of hierarchical clustering ontop of a matrix of data in python


Edit For different colors adjust the cmap attribute in imshow . See the scipy matplotlib docs for examples. That page also..

Color values in imshow for matplotlib?


values in imshow for matplotlib I'd like to know the color value of a point.. to know the color value of a point I click on when I use imshow in matplotlib. Is there a way to find this information through.. Specifically I'm thinking about a case like this imshow np.random.rand 10 10 255 interpolation 'nearest' Thanks Erin..

Python : 2d contour plot from 3 lists : x, y and rho?


in a specific order. How to make a contour plot like with imshow of the density rho interpolated at the points x y . Thank you.. x y z function 'linear' zi rbf xi yi plt.imshow zi vmin z.min vmax z.max origin 'lower' extent x.min x.max y.min..

matplotlib: limits when using plot and imshow in same axes


limits when using plot and imshow in same axes I've been trying to plot an ellipse into an imshow.. in same axes I've been trying to plot an ellipse into an imshow plot. It works but plotting the ellipse after plotting the image.. Note that there is NO white border directly after calling imshow only. My code looks as follows self.dpi 100 self.fig Figure..