

python Programming Glossary: incoming

How to properly send HTTP response with Python using socket library only?


with async socket and implement finite automata to handle incoming data prev_timeout sock.gettimeout try sock.settimeout 0.01 rdata..

Using subprocess.Popen for Process with Large Output


is to redirect stderr to stdout so you only have one incoming file set stderr STDOUT. This means you can't distinguish regular..

Where's my JSON data in my incoming Django request?


my JSON data in my incoming Django request I'm trying to process incoming JSON Ajax requests.. data in my incoming Django request I'm trying to process incoming JSON Ajax requests with Django Python. request.is_ajax is True..

Checking email with Python


need to implement monitoring of my mailbox checking every incoming mail in particular i use gmail . what is the easiest way to..

Inserting the same value multiple times when formatting a string


string formatting available in Python 2.6 and Python 3.x incoming 'arbit' result ' 0 hello world 0 hello world 0 '.format incoming..

Drawing a graph or a network from a distance matrix?


define my self Tkinter function to do that thanks for your incoming answers. python graph plot social networking share improve..

Homebrew + Python on mac os x 10.8: Fatal Python error: PyThreadState_Get: no current thread importing mapnik


Bluetooth Version 4.1.3f3 11349 2 service 11 devices 1 incoming serial ports Network Service Wi Fi AirPort en1 Serial ATA Device..

Using pandas DataFrame with incoming real time data


pandas DataFrame with incoming real time data Which is the most recommended pythonic way of.. is the most recommended pythonic way of handling live incoming data with pandas Every few seconds I'm receiving a data point.. is building a list of dicts. Simply appending the incoming data to a list and slicing it into smaller DataFrames to do..

receving socket python


some issue here with the recv function because the incoming packets always have a different size so if i specify recv 1024..

Python - Get a list of all the encodings python can encode to


you trying to determine which codec to use to decode some incoming bytes and plan to attempt this with all possible codecs note..

Python memory usage? loading large dictionaries in memory


in python to load this up into memory so I can search incoming text against that list of words. When python loads it up into..

Encoding gives “'ascii' codec can't encode character ??ordinal not in range(128)”


except UnicodeDecodeError # Couldn't decode the incoming string possibly not encoded in utf 8 # Do something here to..

How do I get the client IP of a Tornado request?


of a Tornado request I have a RequestHandler object for incoming post s. How can I find the IP of the client making the request..

Why is printing to stdout so slow? Can it be sped up?


seems to me like a terminal should be able to buffer all incoming data parse render it invisibly and only render the most recent..

Making moves w/ websockets and python / django ( / twisted? )


HTTP in mind. It assumes that it gets a HTTP request only incoming data and returns the response only outgoing data . This makes..

utf8' codec can't decode byte 0x96 in python


each application. Beautiful Soup automatically converts incoming documents to Unicode and outgoing documents to UTF 8. You don't..