

python Programming Glossary: important

Choosing Java vs Python on Google App Engine


may ease migration of existing code but that's less important than being able to perform such tasks as rapidly apply XSLT.. the nice URL such as foobar.appspot.com which is probably important only for access by interactive users on browsers I imagine ...

What is a global interpreter lock (GIL)?


GIL from Python and I'd like to understand why that is so important. I have never written a compiler nor an interpreter myself so..

Programmatically saving image to Django ImageField


fetches an image off the web and stores it in a model. The important bits are from django.core.files import File # you need this.. pulled out of my model and a bit out of context but the important parts are The image pulled from the web is not stored in the..

How can I quantify difference between two images?


the normalized image very different. Is color information important If you want to notice color changes you will have a vector of..

How do I protect Python code?


in cases like this you have to make a tradeoff. How important is it really to protect the code Are there real secrets in there..

How are Python's Built In Dictionaries Implemented


in the table can store one and only one entry. This is important Each entry in the table actually a combination of the three.. mask . Where mask PyDictMINSIZE 1 but that's not really important . Just note that the initial slot i that is checked depends.. actual algorithm used to pick the next slot is not really important see dictobject.c 33 126 for the algorithm for probing . What..

A weighted version of random.choice


it or alternate ways of doing this. Efficiency isn't as important to me as code cleanliness and readability. python optimization..

Peak detection in a 2D array


a bunch of other unwanted peaks in the background. Another important factor is the size of the neighborhood . You will need to adjust..

Suggestions for a Cron like scheduler in Python?


to Fridays. The cron time expression syntax is less important but I would like to have something with this sort of flexibility...

Dynamically adding a form to a Django formset with Ajax


last table with a class of table . The last part of it is important because the selector is also used to determine what the new..

Old style and new style classes in Python


differs from that of old style classes in a number of important details in addition to what type returns. Some of these changes..

Creating a singleton in python


singletons my use case is for a logger but this is not important . I do not wish to clutter several classes with added gumph..

Recommendations of Python REST (web services) framework? [closed]


and MethodDispatcher respectively . HTTP verbs are very important in REST and unless you're very careful about this you'll end..

Python: Is explicitly closing files important?


Is explicitly closing files important In Python if you either open a file without calling close or..

Python: simple list merging based on intersections


Update 3 Note that reliability of the method is much more important than speed for this problem. I will be hopefully able to translate..

Python: What's the difference between __builtin__ and __builtins__?


programs What about Python 3 Any information is valuable Important I'm using Python 2.7.2 on Ubuntu. python python 3.x python..

Python Vs. Ruby for Metaprogramming [closed]


Ruby Python or some other language would be best for me. Important Good metaprogramming. Ability to create classes methods functions..

Evaluation of boolean expressions in Python


for false and 1 or True for true unless otherwise stated. Important exception the Boolean operations or and and always return one..

testing whether a Numpy array contains a given row


I would just np.in1d after viewing it as a recarray . Important you must do the np.ascontiguousarray for safety. It will typically..

Using Cython To Link Python To A Shared Library


can be used to get some additional source files compiled. Important myext.pxd do not confound with .pyd Windows stuff and myext.pyx..

PyQt - Column of Checkboxes in a QTableView


self parent def createEditor self parent option index ''' Important otherwise an editor is created if the user clicks in this cell... self parent def createEditor self parent option index ''' Important otherwise an editor is created if the user clicks in this cell...

What is the best approach to change primary keys in an existing Django app?


Strong words. Been database designer since the 1980's. Important lessoned learned is this everything is changeable even when..

Which key value store is the most promising/stable?


all of the competitors. My criteria and questions are Most Important Which do you recommend and why Which one is the fastest Which..

Why the “mutable default argument fix” syntax is so ugly, asks python newbie


a_list.append new_item return a_list There's even an Important warning on python.org with this very same example tho not really..

Mercurial and hgweb on IIS 7.5 - python error


easier Install pywin32 v214 using the Python installer Important Note that this is built against python 2.6 Install isapi_wsgi..

Signal handlers and logging in Python


program will be left is a state when only kill 9 helps. Important question for me now is following. Can this locking problem also..

Why compile Python code?


imported scripts will be compiled and stored on the disk. Important addition by Ben Blank It's worth noting that while running a..

Django Admin Media prefix URL issue


python django django admin share improve this question Important for Django 1.4 and newer see here Starting in Django 1.4 the..

What is the best way to remove accents in a python unicode string?


the python standard library And what about in python 3.0 Important note I would like to avoid code with an explicit mapping from..

How to install PyCairo 1.10 on Mac OSX with default python


usr local Cellar cairo 1.10.2 lib pkgconfig Important the latter path will only work for you if you installed cairo..

Appengine: put_async doesn't work (at least in the development server)?


e op.get_result It works fine. What am i missing Important Note I wait some time to check if the object is created I don't..