

python Programming Glossary: included

How can I parse JSON in Google App Engine?


this question Consider using Django's json lib which is included with GAE. from django.utils import simplejson as json # load..

Python string 'join' is faster(?) than '+', but what's wrong here?


Or what Please explain clearly. Thank you. EDIT I have included my answer at the last with no vote on it . Please comment on..

How to install MySQLdb (Python data access library to MySQL) on Mac OS X?


a 32 bit version of Python but most average joes myself included probably jump to install the 64 bit version of MySQL. Bad move.....

Force Python to forego native sqlite3 and use the (installed) latest sqlite3 version


as pysqlite2 so as not to conflict with the version included in the standard library. And depending how it was built it may.. text search extension FTS3 you should find that it was included as part of the static library and no further work is necessary..

Converting XML to JSON using Python?


for converting Python data structures to and from JSON is included in the json module . So the infrastructure is there. share..

scrape html generated by javascript with python


code that is generated by a javascript function which is included in the html source . What this functions does in the site is..

Can I run a Python script as a service (in Windows)? How?


you can. I do it using the pythoncom libraries that come included with ActivePython or can be installed with pywin32 Python for..

Django equivalent for count and group by


this question Update Full ORM aggregation support is now included in Django 1.1 . True to the below warning about using private.. key. You don't have to order by count here that's just included to demonstrate how it's done it has to be done in the .extra..

How can I make setuptools install a package that's not on PyPI?


in this case if the author of the gearman package had included a link like the above you'd be already set. Typically people..

UnicodeDecodeError when redirecting to file


Arabic etc. accents etc. A very large character list is included in the Unicode standard it covers most of the known characters... way they use arrays of bytes numbers between 0 and 255 included for this and the process that converts characters to bytes is..

Standard way to embed version into python package?


__version__ Revision 63990 # Source These lines should be included after the module's docstring before any other code separated..

Python code to pick out all possible combinations from a list?


Running shell command from python and capturing the output


because that will ensure that error messages are included in the returned output. See here for documentation. Also although..

What does the @ symbol do in Python


does not return relevant results when the @ symbol is included. Thanks in advance. python share improve this question ..

How to use xpath in Python?


simple path selection stick with ElementTree which is included in Python 2.5 . If you need full spec compliance or raw speed..

Simple Digit Recognition OCR in OpenCV-Python


one we gave. If lucky it recognises the correct digit. I included last two steps training and testing in single code below import..

How do I translate a ISO 8601 datetime string into a Python datetime object?


you didn't know up front whether or not the timezone was included. pyiso8601 has a couple of issues check their tracker that I..