

python Programming Glossary: implies

Common pitfalls in Python [duplicate]


In that case it will return the class attributes. It implies two big hazards If the class attribute is changed then the initial..

Why does “[] == False” evaluate to False when “if not []” succeeds?


to me is that is generally transitive so a b and b c implies a c . So if it were the way you expected and False were true..

How to write Python sort key functions for descending values


where comparison functions are no longer supported . This implies that I should be able to do what I want with the key method..

Why are slice and range upper-bound exclusive?


slice share improve this question The documentation implies this has a few useful properties word 2 # The first two characters..

How can I compare two lists in python and return matches


Two way/reverse map


track of who's talking to whom so if Alice Bob then that implies that Bob Alice. Yes I could populate two hash maps but I'm wondering..

python open built-in function: difference between modes a, a+, w, w+, and r+?


the modes w a w a and r In particular the documentation implies that all of these will allow writing to the file and says that..

Python: is using “..%(var)s..” % locals() a good practice?


adults lets you define the boundaries of what that implies as a consequence of your development environment targets and..

Understanding performance difference


I'm asking. The first solution has dictionary lookup. It implies taking key hash then finding bin by this hash then getting key..

How to enable MySQL client auto re-connect with MySQLdb?


exception. The other example above implies that it is the conn.cursor method that throws this exception...

Remove items from a list while iterating without using extra memory in Python


proposed. Either make a dictionary out of the list which implies making a copy of all the data that is already filling all the..

Python `if x is not None` or `if not x is None`?


is None version to be more clear but Google's style guide implies based on this excerpt that they use if x is not None . Is there..

String comparison in Python: is vs. == [duplicate]


Not always. NaN is a counterexample. But usually identity implies equality. The converse is not true Two distinct objects can..

Maximal Length of List to Shuffle with Python random.shuffle?


than the period of most random number generators this implies that most permutations of a long sequence can never be generated...

Adding a scrollbar to a grid of widgets in Tkinter


be very easy but I can't figure it out. The documentation implies that only the List Textbox Canvas and Entry widgets support..

I have a Python list of the prime factors of a number. How do I (pythonically) find all the factors?


of a given number. The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic implies that I can use this list to derive every factor of the number...

Using Django time/date widgets in custom form


type text css href media admin css widgets.css This implies that Django's admin media ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX is at media admin..

Basic Python imports question


it's the second option this import pkg1.util as util This implies of course that you are always running Python from the directory..

How do I handle file upload via PUT request in Django?


You don't want to be touching request.raw_post_data that implies reading the entire request body into memory which if you're..