

python Programming Glossary: incredible

piping in shell via Python subprocess module


use some other way to do the sorting without having to do incredible amounts of parsing on the huge string returned by psResult subprocess.check_output..

Two parter: Django book recommendation + Django real world advice [closed]


similar on Google Code GitHub or Bitbucket . There's an incredible number of useful django apps around learn to love generic views..

Python Flask vs Bottle


fact things like Flask Genshi exist Flask Genshi and it's incredible easy to use mako with it even without extension if you want..

What is the most common way to configure static files in debug and production for Django


or whatever you want. I prefer uwsgi because it has an incredible number of features and great performance. I run uwsgi as a daemon..

Are there any all in one packages like XAMPP for Django?


can use pip or easy_install to automatically install an incredible amount of packages apps for Python OR Django. Don't miss out..

Django dynamic model fields


dynamic Foreign Key and m2m fields. And is inspired by incredible but somewhat hackish solutions by Will Hardy and Michael Hall...

How to use a different database per “application instance” in Django?


The scenario We have two applications. TheApp TheApp is an incredible app which customers love. Each customer gets his own instance..

Programming with hardware in python [closed]


the PICs in C or assembler but you can achieve some pretty incredible results once you've picked up the basics. I warn you though..