

python Programming Glossary: importerror

Why can't Python find shared objects that are in directories in sys.path?


most recent call last File string line 1 in module ImportError libcurl.so.4 cannot open shared object file No such file or..

How to manage local vs production settings in Django?


settings.py try from local_settings import except ImportError e pass You can override what needed in local_settings.py it..

The problem with installing PIL using virtualenv or buildout


most recent call last File stdin line 1 in module ImportError No module named PIL I see that easy_install pack PIL into the..

Dynamic module import in Python


myapp.commands. s command fromlist myapp.commands except ImportError # Display error message command_module.run This works just fine..

Non-blocking read on a subprocess.PIPE in python


import Thread try from Queue import Queue Empty except ImportError from queue import Queue Empty # python 3.x ON_POSIX 'posix'..

Python: The _imagingft C module is not installed


draw.text 100 100 'test text' font font Raises this error ImportError The _imagingft C module is not installed File D Python26 Lib.. packages PIL ImageFont.py line 34 in __getattr__ raise ImportError The _imagingft C module is not installed python image python..

Python: Best way to check for Python version in a program that uses new language features?


try eval 1 if True else 2 except SyntaxError raise ImportError requires ternary support # import from another module from impl..

Python: MySQLdb and “Library not loaded: libmysqlclient.16.dylib”


MySQLdb __init__.py line 19 in module import _mysql ImportError dlopen Library Python 2.6 site packages _mysql.so 2 Library..

Unresolved Import Issues with PyDev and Eclipse


program is still not functioning correctly. I get an error ImportError No module named odbchelper. So it's clearly not getting the..

Solving “DLL load failed: %1 is not a valid Win32 application.” for Pygame


__init__.py line 95 in module from pygame.base import ImportError DLL load failed 1 is not a valid Win32 application. Please help..

Python import MySQLdb error - Mac 10.6


10.6 universal egg _mysql.py line 6 in __bootstrap__ ImportError dlopen Users yanigisawa .python eggs MySQL_python 1.2.3 py2.6..

Efficient way of parsing fixed width files in Python


from itertools import accumulate # added in Py 3.2 except ImportError def accumulate iterable 'Return running totals simplified version..

Python read a single character from the user


def __init__ self try self.impl _GetchWindows except ImportError self.impl _GetchUnix def __call__ self return self.impl class..

no module named zlib


dist packages virtualenv.py line 17 in module import zlib ImportError No module named zlib EDIT I have to install 2.7.1 by appending..

Python mysqldb: Library not loaded: libmysqlclient.18.dylib


10.6 intel egg _mysql.py line 6 in __bootstrap__ ImportError dlopen Users toom .python eggs MySQL_python 1.2.3 py2.7 macosx..

What are the differences between json and simplejson Python modules?


mysql-python installation problems (on mac os x lion)


python 1.2.3 x86_64. But when I try import MySQLdb I get ImportError dlopen Users aj .python eggs MySQL_python 1.2.3 py2.7 macosx..

No module named pkg_resources


5 in module from pkg_resources import load_entry_point ImportError No module named pkg_resources pkg_resources appears to be distributed.. pip share improve this question I encountered the same ImportError today while trying to use pip. Somehow the setuptools package..

Import Error. Circular References


in different files. How should I import python hierarchy importerror share improve this question It actually appears to be a..

Python: cannot import urandom module (OS X)


set properly but I have no idea how to solve this. python importerror python import share improve this question Ok I figured it..

Sublime Text2 Import error: No module named Gnuplot


who's got a fix to this one python gnuplot sublimetext2 importerror share improve this question Sublime Text 2 comes with its..

ImportError: DLL load failed: %1 is not a valid Win32 application


Everything seems to be working fine now python opencv importerror share improve this question The ImportError message is a..

Trying to run simple monkeyrunner python script, 'importerror no module named os'


to run simple monkeyrunner python script 'importerror no module named os' I have the android emulator SDK installed.. be found at http dtmilano.blogspot.ca 2013 05 monkeyrunner importerror no module.html . Basically you have to replace jython 2.5.3.jar..

python ImportError No module named


permissions problem Do I need execution permission python importerror python import share improve this question Based on your..

Importing files from different folder in Python


manage to import properly. How can I do this python importerror python import share improve this question By default you..

What could cause a Django error when debug=False that isn't there when debug=True


and works fine . python django apache debugging importerror share improve this question This happens if you have a circular..

How to use OpenCV in Python?


my answer to my own question see bellow . python opencv importerror python import share improve this question The problem was..

wxPython import error


Am I missing anything in the PYTHONPATH python wxpython importerror python import share improve this question In Ubuntu 12.04..

Django + mod_wsgi + apache: ImportError at / No module named djproj.urls


djproj.urls I can't get it to work. Ideas python django importerror django wsgi share improve this question Either change all..

ImportError: Cannot import name X


physics but I don't know a workaround. Anyone help python importerror python import share improve this question You have circular..