

python Programming Glossary: inadvertently

ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()


in my code which was causing all sorts of problems. I was inadvertently doing a bitwise AND instead of a logical AND . I changed the..

Import python module NOT on path


directories or .py files in that directory may be loaded inadvertently. Therefore you may want to use imp.load_source instead. It needs..

Wrong math with Python?


unfamiliar with C like languages. It is extremely easy to inadvertently create an integer object with the wrong value because '013'..

Private Variables and Methods in Python [duplicate]


helps avoid attribute name collisions should subclasses inadvertently contain attributes with the same name. Note 3 Not everyone likes..

How to use virtualenv with Google App Engine SDK on Mac OS X 10.6


had this working until last week...something changed or I inadvertently broke my virtualenv and I can't figure out how I got it working..

Implementing a “rules engine” in Python


the Python down to the point where the user couldn't inadvertently do some crazy stuff with the rules that was not intended. python.. the Python down to the point where the user couldn't inadvertently do some crazy stuff with the rules that was not intended. This..

Using strides for an efficient moving average filter


window you risk having memory usage blow up whenever you inadvertently make a copy of your array. While the initial rolling array is..