

python Programming Glossary: improvements

Python class to merge sorted files, how can this be improved?


the merge sort algorithm correctly Are there any obvious improvements that could be made Example Data This is an abstraction of a..

Python subprocess module much slower than commands (deprecated)


loops best of 3 5.76 ms per loop Swiss suggests some good improvements that will help your script's performance. But even after applying..

How to set up Django models with two types of users with very different attributes


with very different attributes I'm rebuilding and making improvements to an already existing Django site and moving it over from Webfaction..

Is switching from PHP to Python worth the trouble [closed]


What I want to know is if there were any significant improvements in the following aspects Speed of development Maintainability..

Python: What is the common header format?


should be the person who will fix bugs and make improvements if imported. __credits__ differs from __author__ in that __credits__..

DeadlineExceededErrors with GAE/Google API refreshing access token


is a top priority at Google and we are making continuous improvements to make our systems better. https groups.google.com forum fromgroups#..

Implementing a Patricia Trie for use as a dictionary


seems to be working pretty well. Also if you see any big improvements in efficiency I would also like to hear about them. I've considered..

Python, Matplotlib, subplot: How to set the axis range?


abs fft pylab.savefig SIG.png dpi 200 pylab.show Other improvements are also appreciated python range axis matplotlib share improve..

Create a zip file from a generator in Python?


overhauled and that seems to be blocking any incremental improvements. import zipfile zlib binascii struct class BufferedZipFile zipfile.ZipFile..

How to implement a minimal server for AJAX in Python?


number on the server. Please let me know if there are any improvements or misconceptions. the python server file import threading import..

Mako or Jinja2? [closed]


but am curious to know if jinja2 has some nice features improvements that mako doesn't or maybe downsides python templates template..

Remove adjacent duplicate elements from a list


direction. UPDATE updated the above code with suggested improvements. tried the following with a while loop using suggested hints..

AKS Primes algorithm in Python


mostly in C here. Also for optimization and improvements by several orders of magnitude you might want to look at this..

TemplateDoesNotExist on python app-engine django 1.2 while template rendering relative paths


to pick a version but when I looked into the much needed improvements in the template language I was eager to make the change. And..

SQLite Performance Benchmark — why is :memory: so slow…only 1.5X as fast as disk?


slow I've been trying to see if there are any performance improvements gained by using in memory sqlite vs. disk based sqlite. Basically..

Why Python is so slow for a simple loop


as like this and It may be tough to put into practice your improvements code samples. Another question is that can I implement lots..

What's the most efficient way to find one of several substrings in Python?


set to ensure there are no duplicates... but both of these improvements seem like overkill . This code ran basically instantaneously..

How to change default django User model to fit my needs?


compatibility weren't an issue there are a lot of improvements I'd love to see made to django.contrib.auth and the User model..

Select random item with weight


rnd total return i You can find more details and possible improvements as well as some different approaches in the link above. share..

Python: split a list based on a condition?


Again this is fine There might be slight performance improvements using sets but it's a trivial difference and I find the list..