

python Programming Glossary: incr

Increment Numpy array with repeated indices


array and a list of indices whose values I would like to increment by one. This list may contain repeated indices and I would.. list may contain repeated indices and I would like the increment to scale with the number of repeats of each index. Without.. come up with the following method. b 3 2 5 2 # indices to increment by one each replicate bbins np.bincount b b.sort # sort..

Python Django Global Variables [closed]


will have a negative impact on performance so... The new incr and decr methods are especially suitable for counting. See docs..

Python: Why is functools.partial necessary?


you can't get through lambdas sum lambda x y x y sum 1 2 3 incr lambda y sum 1 y incr 2 3 def sum2 x y return x y incr2 functools.partial.. lambdas sum lambda x y x y sum 1 2 3 incr lambda y sum 1 y incr 2 3 def sum2 x y return x y incr2 functools.partial sum2 1 incr2.. 2 3 incr lambda y sum 1 y incr 2 3 def sum2 x y return x y incr2 functools.partial sum2 1 incr2 4 5 Is functools somehow more..

Recursive expressions with pyparsing


is None # None operator can only by binary op initlen 2 incr 1 else initlen 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 5 numterms incr 0 1 1 1 2 2 3 4.. op initlen 2 incr 1 else initlen 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 5 numterms incr 0 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 numterms # define parse action for this number.. i initlen while i len t ret ParseResults ret t i i incr i incr return ParseResults ret return pa # setup a simple grammar..

Finding k-nearest neighbors for a given vector?


x1s and x2s. sum pow x1 x2 2 for x1 x2 in zip x1s x2s def incr x_c x inc 1 increments the value associated with key x in dictionary.. pow x1 x2 2 for x1 x2 in zip x1s x2s def incr x_c x inc 1 increments the value associated with key x in dictionary x_c by inc.. times each item occurs in xs. if x_c None x_c for x in xs incr x_c x return x_c def second xy returns the second element in..

Good examples of python-memcache (memcached) being used in Python?


another_key mc.set key 1 # note that the key used for incr decr must be a string. mc.incr key mc.decr key The standard.. note that the key used for incr decr must be a string. mc.incr key mc.decr key The standard way to use memcache with a database..