

python Programming Glossary: inch

img = Image.open(fp) AttributeError: class Image has no attribute 'open'


email arw@ifu.net from reportlab.lib.units import inch pageinfo s s s Author email Title def myFirstPage canvas doc.. 108 Title canvas.setFont 'Times Roman' 9 canvas.drawString inch 0.75 inch First Page s pageinfo canvas.restoreState def myLaterPages.. canvas.setFont 'Times Roman' 9 canvas.drawString inch 0.75 inch First Page s pageinfo canvas.restoreState def myLaterPages canvas..

Python Image Library Image Resolution when Resizing


I am trying to shrink some jpeg images from 24X36 inches to 11X16.5 inches using the python image library. Since PIL.. to shrink some jpeg images from 24X36 inches to 11X16.5 inches using the python image library. Since PIL deals in pixels.. to 3300 X2200 pixels with my resolution set at 200 pixels inch however when I run my script PIL changes the resolution to 72..

PDF bleed detection


Concerning your bonus question The user space unit is 1 2 inch by default since PDF 1.6 it can be changed though to any not..

Python/PyQt4: How do you find the SIZE of a monitor (in inches)?


PyQt4 How do you find the SIZE of a monitor in inches I'm trying to find the horizontal width of a monitor in inches.. I'm trying to find the horizontal width of a monitor in inches or cm not pixels to make a small ruler program. DPI would.. QX11Info.appDpiX this will give you the DPI in pixels per inch. Use both the above info to calculate the screen size in inches...

How do you change the size of figures drawn with matplotlib?


'w' edgecolor 'k' So figure figsize 1 1 creates an inch by inch image which will be 80 by 80 pixels unless you also.. 'w' edgecolor 'k' So figure figsize 1 1 creates an inch by inch image which will be 80 by 80 pixels unless you also give a different..

matplotlib savefig() plots different from show()


want to look at these savefig.dpi 100 # figure dots per inch savefig.facecolor white # figure facecolor when saving savefig.edgecolor..