

python Programming Glossary: impression

Can SQLAlchemy be configured to be non-blocking?


SQLAlchemy be configured to be non blocking I'm under the impression that database calls through SQLAlchemy will block and aren't..

Building a Mac and Windows GUI Application


will help me much at writing good C . I have a general impression that it's much harder to write cross platform C but I might..

Import Error. Circular References


instead of subpackage.moduleA.bar etc. but I don't get the impression thats what you were trying to do necessarily and there's probably..

Is there a way to check if numpy arrays share the same data?


same data My apologies if this has been asked before. My impression is that in numpy 2 arrays can share the same memory. Take the.. if two arrays reference the same memory buffer My first impression was to us a.data is b.data but that returns false. I can do..

What is the most compatible way to install python modules on a Mac?


understanding instead I'm just poking around. I get the impression that Macports isn't universally loved for managing python modules...

virtualenv --no-site-packages and pip still finding global packages?


and pip still finding global packages I was under the impression that virtualenv no site packages would create a completely separate..

How to list only top level directories in Python?


a simpler way of achieving the same results. I get the impression that using os.walk only to return the top level is inefficient..

Does a File Object Automatically Close when its Reference Count Hits Zero?


Close when its Reference Count Hits Zero I was under the impression that file objects are immediately closed when their reference.. when using iterator on a python file object I get the impression that this does not happen and that calling .close on a file..

Using cProfile results with KCacheGrind


my Python program. Based upon this talk I was under the impression that KCacheGrind could parse and display the output from cProfile...

What's the best solution for OpenID with Django?


couple of them. Simon Willison's django openid made a good impression but as he is at the forefront of trendsetting in Djangoland.. login to work with Google. django authopenid made a good impression and it seems to have good integration with django registration..

Please advise on Ruby vs Python, for someone who likes LISP a lot


like Perl a simple scripting language. Do I have the right impression PS This might seem like a flame bait but it's not really I'm..

__init__ as a constructor?


time __init__ is called. But I have always been under the impression that the constructor is called only after the object is constructed..

Has threading in GTK w/ Python changed in PyGObject introspection?


hang in different parts of the process etc. So I get the impression that something has changed but I can't figure out what. Here's..

Customize/remove Django select box blank option


I came across Django ticket 4653 which gave me the impression that others had the same question and that the default behavior..

Django -vs- Grails -vs-?


I do like Ruby much better than I like Python I get the impression that Rails is roughly in the same boat at Django when it comes..

Dynamically set local variable in Python


current values of the local variables. This can give the impression that assignment to elements of the dictionary are ignored I..

Python argparse and bash completion


program at every TAB about what to complete but I have the impression that this can't really work is that correct The second option..

Numpy: Should I use newaxis or None?


other Is there any general preference or style guide My impression is that newaxis is more popular probably because it is more..