

python Programming Glossary: incompatibilities

Why print statement is not pythonic? [closed]


2to3 tool does indeed take care of all such easy surface incompatibilities no sweat and it needs to be run anyway to take care of quite..

Making a portable (exe) with Python 3.1?


stay with the latest version instead of worrying about incompatibilities as soon as 2.6 becomes too outdated. python py2exe share..

How to AES encrypt/decrypt files using Python/PyCrypto in an OpenSSL-compatible way?


way There are many ways to use AES resulting in frequent incompatibilities between different implementations. OpenSSL provides a popular..

Cannot install Cython on win7


retry to install Cython using Python 2.7.X I suspect some incompatibilities between some Python versions and Cython versions at least the..

Set permissions on a compressed file in python


note that I'm using Python 2.5 here I'm aware of a few incompatibilities with some versions of Python's zipfile support. share improve..

Is there an equivalent of PyMongo for Python 3.2? [closed]


easy_install only to find that it will not install due to incompatibilities with Python 3.2. Therefore is there an equivalent to pymongo..

Writing Python 2.7 code that is as close to Python 3.x syntax as possible


I know that running python 3 will Warn about Python 3.x incompatibilities that 2to3 cannot trivially fix. However I'm interested in getting..

Python: Dynamically changing base classes at runtime. How to?


'object' A bit of Googling on this seems to indicate some incompatibilities between new style and old style classes in regards to changing..