

python Programming Glossary: include_dirs

Cython: “fatal error: numpy/arrayobject.h: No such file or directory”


In your setup.py the Extension should have the argument include_dirs numpy.get_include . Also you are missing np.import_array in..

mysql-python install problem using virtualenv, windows, pip


Connector C 6.0.2 in setup_windows.py locate the line include_dirs os.path.join mysql_root r'include' and add include_dirs os.path.join.. include_dirs os.path.join mysql_root r'include' and add include_dirs os.path.join options 'connector' r'include' after it. Ugly but.. opt' libraries 'kernel32' 'advapi32' 'wsock32' client include_dirs os.path.join mysql_root r'include' include_dirs os.path.join..

Wrap C++ lib with Cython


ext_modules Extension test test.pyx language 'c ' include_dirs r'.' library_dirs r'.' libraries 'libtest' setup name 'test'..

Make distutils look for numpy header files in the correct place


name 'Hello world app' cmdclass 'build_ext' build_ext include_dirs np.get_include # New line ext_modules ext_modules share improve..

Simple wrapping of C code with cython


# extra_objects fc.o # if you compile fc.cpp separately include_dirs numpy.get_include # ... site packages numpy core include language..

trouble installing rpy2 on win7 (R 2.12, Python 2.5)


config get_rconfig r_home about print config.__repr__ self.include_dirs.extend config._include_dirs self.libraries.extend config._libraries.. print config.__repr__ self.include_dirs.extend config._include_dirs self.libraries.extend config._libraries self.library_dirs.extend.. return 0 return cmp_version x 1 y 1 class RConfig object _include_dirs None _libraries None _library_dirs None _extra_link_args None..

Python distutils, how to get a compiler that is going to be used?


sources '.. wripaca_wrap.c' '.. .. src wripaca.c' include_dirs '.. .. include' setup name 'wripaca' ext_modules mod py_modules..