

python Programming Glossary: indexhandler

Project structure for Google App Engine


myapp.views import application webapp.WSGIApplication ' ' IndexHandler ' foo' FooHandler debug True def main wsgiref.handlers.CGIHandler.. import webapp from models import class IndexHandler webapp.RequestHandler def get self date foo # Do some processing..

Best way to profile/optimize a website on google's appengine


following which is possible working pseudo code ... class IndexHandler webapp.RequestHandler Your site def get self self.response.out.write.. '__main__' application webapp.WSGIApplication '. ' IndexHandler debug True # Start fake request profiling bit urls blog view..

Working with subdomain in google app engine


I have this code application webapp.WSGIApplication ' ' IndexHandler ' product . ' ProductHandler ' user . ' UserHandler Did I make.. 'product.example.com' webapp.WSGIApplication ' ' IndexHandler ' . ' ProductHandler 'user.example.com' webapp.WSGIApplication.. 'user.example.com' webapp.WSGIApplication ' ' IndexHandler ' . ' UserHandler def main run_wsgi_app applications os.environ..