

python Programming Glossary: incrementing

How do you get the next value in the floating-point sequence?


function to get the floating point value that results from incrementing the least significant bit of an existing floating point value.. floating point number to the 'next' one is as simple as incrementing the bit representation. This works for any number in the range..

when to commit data in ZODB


while a BTree could be used as a list by using simple incrementing index keys for i Hnodes in enumerate H.nodes ... btree_container.setdefault..

Python multiprocessing easy way to implement a simple counter?


characters then this assignment is atomic. However when incrementing a counter you'll still need an external lock as provided in.. need an external lock as provided in my example because incrementing loads the current value and then increments it and then assigns..

How to make unique short URL with Python?


question here http stackoverflow.com questions 1051949 map incrementing integer range to six digit base 26 max but unpredictably 1052896#1052896.. the approach is to simply swap bits around in the incrementing value to give the appearance of randomness while maintaining..

Python list help (incrementing count, appending)


list help incrementing count appending I am trying to connect google's geocode api..

Python multiprocessing and a shared counter


separate process is creating it's own local instance and incrementing that. See this section of the documentation for some techniques..

Javascript style dot notation for dictionary keys unpythonic?


if not I like mhawke's solution a lot. AutoEnum is an auto incrementing Enum used like this CMD AutoEnum cmds peek CMD.PEEK look CMD.PEEK..

How do I iterate through the alphabet in Python?


occs u'ΔΊ' If you were to try the other approach on unicode incrementing through every character you'd be waiting a long time there are..

Python integer incrementing with ++ [duplicate]


integer incrementing with duplicate Possible Duplicate Python Behaviour of increment.. back at my VB6 days What modern language doesn't allow incrementing with double plus signs number To my surprise I can't find anything..

High-concurrency counters without sharding


only needs to do a memcache.get and memcache.add . When incrementing a counter both call memcache.incr . Periodically #2 adds a task..

Improving pure Python prime sieve by recurrence formula


could then start from 5 and skip multiples of 2 and 3 by incrementing in steps of 2 4 2 4 2 4 etc.. Below is a C code for it. Hope..

Regular expression to detect semi-colon terminated C++ for & while loops


. Set an open brackets counter openBr to 0 . Now keep incrementing pos reading the characters at the respective positions and increment..

Increment a python floating point value by the smallest possible amount


there will be collisions. I would like to resolve these by incrementing the floating point value by as small an amount as possible...

SQLAlchemy Obtain Primary Key With Autoincrement Before Commit


Before Commit When I have created a table with an auto incrementing primary key is there a way to obtain what the primary key would..

Using itertools.product and want to seed a value


from the end of the gear indicies work to the front # incrementing the gear until the limit is reached. When the limit # is reached..

Counting repeated characters in a string in Python


from comparing each character of the string from A Z and incrementing a counter Update in reference to Anthony's answer Whatever you..