

python Programming Glossary: indices

How to generate all permutations of a list in Python


iterable n len pool r n if r is None else r if r n return indices range n cycles range n n r 1 yield tuple pool i for i in indices.. range n cycles range n n r 1 yield tuple pool i for i in indices r while n for i in reversed range r cycles i 1 if cycles i.. n for i in reversed range r cycles i 1 if cycles i 0 indices i indices i 1 indices i i 1 cycles i n i else j cycles i ..

Validate SSL certificates with Python


'order' of unordered Python sets


by the size of the set and uses those bits as array indices to place the object in memory. The objects are then yielded..

How can I explicitly free memory in Python?


by a list of triangles. The triangles are represented by indices into the list of vertices The requirement of OFF that I print..

Displaying webcam feed using opencv and python


the index of the first working capture device at least for indices from 0 2. It's possible there are multiple devices in your computer..

Is it Pythonic to use bools as ints?


avoid the perfectly natural use of False and True as list indices or in a summation or other such perfectly clear and useful idioms...

How are Python's Built In Dictionaries Implemented


table. In the figure below 0 1 ... i ... on the left are indices of the slots in the hash table they are just for illustrative..

Python: simple list merging based on intersections


bin data dest .update data r data r None # Update our indices to reflect the move bins r dest r dest # Filter out the empty..