

python Programming Glossary: indicies

How can I print only guessed letter from a word in their corresponding indicies?


only guessed letter from a word in their corresponding indicies I am making a hangman game and I need to have to make a set..

Reordering matrix elements to reflect column and row clustering in naiive python


each axis of the array based on sorts of the dendrogram indicies. I guess that assumes there is some comparative logic in each.. len y_idxs a2 a xi yi x_idxs and y_idxs are the dendrogram indicies. a is the unsorted matrix. xi and yi are your new row column.. unsorted matrix. xi and yi are your new row column array indicies. a2 is the sorted matrix while x_idxs2 and y_idxs2 are the new..

Scipy interpolation on a numpy array


yi yi ymin ymin # We need to convert these to float indicies # xi should range from 0 to nx 1 etc xi nx 1 xi xmin xmax xmin..

Finding blank regions in image


what you originally asked for if you need the actual indicies. Edit Just wanted to point out that despite it appearing to..

Find the index of the n'th item in a list


from operator import eq def nth_item n item iterable indicies compress count imap partial eq item iterable return next islice.. count imap partial eq item iterable return next islice indicies n None 1 The example is nice because it shows off how to effectively..

Using itertools.product and want to seed a value


self.gears self.reset def reset self # initialization of indicies to loop over self.indicies 0 len self.gears x for x in range.. reset self # initialization of indicies to loop over self.indicies 0 len self.gears x for x in range 0 self.num_gears self.cont.. while n 0 and x 0 x 1 n m divmod n len self.gears x self.indicies x m self.indicies x 1 if n 0 self.reset raise ValueError state..