

python Programming Glossary: indexl

How do you send a HEAD HTTP request in Python?


httplib.HTTPConnection www.google.com conn.request HEAD index.html res conn.getresponse print res.status res.reason 200 OK print..

How can I consume a WSDL (SOAP) web service in Python?


Why is SQLAlchemy insert with sqlite 25 times slower than using sqlite3 directly?


note if you look at http docs.sqlalchemy.org en rel_0_7 index.html you'll see two distinct halves to the index page one for the..

Streaming data with Python and Flask


event stream' return redirect url_for 'static' filename 'index.html' if __name__ __main__ app.run host 'localhost' port 23423 Where.. __main__ app.run host 'localhost' port 23423 Where static index.html doctype html title Server Send Events Demo title style #data.. delay yield i c return Response stream_template 'index.html' data g if __name__ __main__ app.run host 'localhost' port 23423..

What is setup.py?


Should I use urllib or urllib2 or requests?


python package http docs.python requests.org en latest index.html If you've used languages other than python you're probably thinking..

Django, template context processors


as this def index_view request return render_to_response 'index.html' context_instance RequestContext request and at my index.html.. context_instance RequestContext request and at my index.html template select id select_foo for foo in foos option value foo.slug..

Does python have a package/module management system?


do gem install packagename On http docs.python.org install index.html I only see references to python setup.py install but that requires..

Writing code translator from Python to C?


Python http www.boost.org doc libs 1_42_0 libs python doc index.html PyCXX http cxx.sourceforge.net Cython http www.cython.org from..

Python module for converting PDF to text


PDF format. http www.unixuser.org ~euske python pdfminer index.html The Tagged PDF format seems to be the cleanest and stripping..

Project structure for Google App Engine


maps to HomePage default package template at index.html http www.bowlsk.com games view series.html series 7130 maps..

enable pretty printing for gdb in eclipse cdt


Download http download.eclipse.org tools cdt builds 8.0.0 index.html for Eclipse Indigo or http www.eclipse.org cdt downloads.php..

Using MultipartPostHandler to POST form-data with Python


flask blueprint template folder


layout is myapp run.py admin __init__.py views.py pages index.html main __init__.py views.py pages index.html _ init _ .py files.. views.py pages index.html main __init__.py views.py pages index.html _ init _ .py files are empty. admin views.py content is from.. 'pages' @admin.route ' ' def index return render_template 'index.html' main views.py is similar to admin views.py from flask import..