

python Programming Glossary: indirectly

Decode base64 string in python 3 (with lxml or not)


further I came across the binascii module which is invoked indirectly from base64 anyway if I'm not mistaken but calling binascii.b2a_base64..

Why use sys.path.append(path) instead of sys.path.insert(1, path)?


being addressed is one of dependencies and versions and indirectly permissions. Imagine you have an application that needs version..

Importing modules: __main__ vs import as module


program everything else are modules imported directly or indirectly by that main file. By testing the __name__ variable you can..

Accessing class variables from a list comprehension in the class definition


2 18 JUMP_ABSOLUTE 6 21 RETURN_VALUE The LOAD_DEREF will indirectly load x from the code object cell objects foo.__code__.co_cellvars..

How do you retrieve the tags of a file in a list with Python (Windows Vista)?


you can access the API directly via ctypes or indirectly needing win32 extensions through the API's COM Interop assembly...

PyQt4, QThread and opening big files without freezing the GUI


thread. So you'd be missing the start there which would indirectly and properly call the run thread ReadThread thread.begin class..

Python Performance on Windows


the results lead me to the cause. Python which I feel was indirectly tested is about equivalent if not a tad bit faster on Windows....

IP address of client in Python SimpleXMLRPCServer?


you can override the __init__ function which is inherited indirectly from BaseRequestHandler . class RequestHandler SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler..

Dynamically adding @property in python


be new style typically obtained by inheriting directly or indirectly from object not the ancient legacy style dropped in Python 3..

Signal handlers and logging in Python


from the code invoked by the signal handler directly or indirectly. If you do once in a while program will be left is a state when..

Get formula from Excel cell with python xlrd


shared and array all associated with a cell directly or indirectly name data validation and conditional formatting. Decompiling..

Execute arbitrary python code remotely - can it be done?


the computers in your cluster and invoke them directly or indirectly through a name server and a publish subscribe mechanism. share..

How to get exit code when using Python subprocess communicate method?


The child return code set by poll and wait and indirectly by communicate . A None value indicates that the process hasn..

Generating unique, ordered Pythagorean triplets


are controlled by the value of z one directly the other indirectly through the square of z . The inner while is actually speeding..

Can a python script execute a function inside a bash script?


python bash share improve this question Yes indirectly. Given this foo.sh function go echo hi Try this subprocess.Popen..

Creating a singleton in python


is only a data sink not a data source directly or indirectly . This is why loggers feel like a natural use for singletons...

unremovable text in tkinter


binds Key Backspace on the text widget to this function indirectly through the smart backspace event . The basic code you'll need..

Python, want logging with log rotation and compression


oldest log file to preserve X MB of free space . You could indirectly arrange this using a RotatingFileHandler . By setting the maxBytes..

Why return NotImplemented instead of raising NotImplementedError


and related comparison methods is quite commonly used indirectly in list sorts and such. Sometimes the algorithm will choose..

How to implement Priority Queues in Python?


Here they says that we can implement priority queues indirectly using heapq pq # list of entries arranged in a heap entry_finder..