

python Programming Glossary: indeed

why can't I change only a single element in a nested list in Python


lists share improve this question A strange behaviour indeed but that's only because elements in list are stored by reference..

python pip install fails: invalid command egg_info


python2 setup.py install from the download directory and indeed find that this will then work if I manually find and download..

Accessing class variables from a list comprehension in the class definition


of the list comprehension code object shows that x is indeed loaded as a global foo.__code__.co_consts 1 .co_consts 'foo...

The latest recommendation for Comet in Python? [closed]


especially in comparison to Diesel and Tornado. Orbited is indeed built on Twisted. There is a good blog entry covering an end..

Checking the strength of a password (how to check conditions)


or password.islower or password.isdigit # very weak indeed Next trick you want to learn is to loop over a string so you..

A clean, lightweight alternative to Python's twisted?


in one way or another. It seems actually that things have indeed moved on since the inception of Twisted people now seem to favour..

Should I worry about circular references in Python?


expected or have strange inexplicable pauses the cause is indeed likely to be in those garbage reference loops they need to be..

What are “first class” objects? [closed]


one says everything is an object like in Python does he indeed mean that everything is first class python language agnostic.. one says everything is an object like in Python does he indeed mean that everything is first class The term object can be used..

Why does Python print unicode characters when the default encoding is ASCII?


Then start the python shell again and verify that it does indeed revert to its default ascii encoding. python import sys print..

How can I find all subclasses of a given class in Python?


class '__main__.Baz' Confirmation that the subclasses do indeed list Foo as their base for cls in vars 'Foo' .__subclasses__..

What are the differences between numpy arrays and matrices? Which one should I use?


I am doing some machine learning using numpy so there are indeed lots of matrices but also lots of vectors arrays . Thanks. ..

Python CSV error: line contains NULL byte


x00 x00 x00 x00 x00 x00 .... snip 8 13834 So the file does indeed contain NUL bytes. python csv share improve this question..

Extending the User model with custom fields in Django


share improve this question The least painful and indeed Django recommended way of doing this is through a OneToOneField..

How can I return system information in Python?


the code specific to that OS being run only if that OS is indeed the operating environment python operating system share improve..

What is the best way to implement nested dictionaries in Python?


as a flat dictionary and sometimes I want to think of it indeed as a complex hierarchy. I could wrap this all in a class but..

Bundling data files with PyInstaller (--onefile)


the EXE Temp_MEI95642 for example and the files are indeed in there. When I drop the EXE in that temp directory it finds..

Chain-calling parent constructors in python


share improve this question The way you are doing it is indeed the recommended one for Python 2.x . The issue of whether the..

What is a metaclass in Python?


manipulating inheritance vars such as __dict__ etc. Indeed metaclasses are especially useful to do black magic and therefore..

What?™s the point of inheritance in Python?


in Python Edit thanks for the very interesting answers. Indeed you can use it for code reuse but I am always careful when reusing..

Python: Reducing memory usage of dictionary


3 formats string TAB int string TAB float int TAB float. Indeed they are ngram statics files in case this helps with the solution...

PyLint, PyChecker or PyFlakes? [closed]


a SQL query that's bad. PyFlakes is supposed to be lite. Indeed it decided that the code was perfect. I am looking for something..

how to submit query to .aspx page in python


state and to authenticate the request to some extent. Indeed submitting. The requests have to be sent with the http POST..

PyEval_InitThreads in Python 3: How/when to call it? (the saga continues ad nauseum)


say PyEval_InitThreads PyThreadState st PyEval_SaveThread Indeed this is exactly what this stackoverflow answer says. Except..

Why python doesn't have a sign() function?


language design share improve this question EDIT Indeed there was a patch which included sign in math but it wasn't..

Heavy usage of Python at Google [closed]


at Google in 2004 Python was already prominent at Google. Indeed there's one apparently attractive explanation that I can definitely..

How do I use subprocess.Popen to connect multiple processes by pipes?


sys.stdout there's a way to do the above in pure Python. Indeed you may be able to work out some shortcuts using os.pipe and..

Efficiently finding the shortest path in large graphs


what is the shortest path from all nodes to the target . Indeed once shortest_path was done walking the answer was mere dictionary..

How do you return multiple values in Python?


Python but I'm sure it applies to other languages as well. Indeed if you were working in C this might very well be your only option...

How is CPython's set() implemented?


share improve this question According to this thread Indeed CPython's sets are implemented as something like dictionaries..

How to get started with Big Data Analysis


Even small datasets present very interesting problems. Indeed any dataset is a starting off point. I once built a small star..

Executing “SELECT … WHERE … IN …” using MySQLdb


1 Query SELECT bar FROM foo WHERE fooid IN '1' '3' 1 Quit Indeed it looks like too many quotes are being placed around A and..

Django: How to replace/overwrite/update/change a file of FileField?


You can delete them and fool around all you want. Indeed you can keep both ProjectFile's with an indicator of which is..

Authentication using any OpenID with Tipfy


OpenID support to a specific platform Google for example . Indeed GoogleMixin class extends OpenIdMixin class GoogleMixin OpenIdMixin..

Why does Python's itertools.permutations contain duplicates? (When the original list has duplicates)


1 1 2 are usually considered to be 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 . Indeed the following C code prints precisely those three int a 1 1..

How does a threading.Thread yield the rest of its quantum in Python?


to yield control no need to use a positive epsilon. Indeed time.sleep 0 MEANS yield to whatever other thread may be ready..

Uploading multiple images in Django admin


Has anybody had any experience with an issue like this Indeed are there any custom libraries out there that would solve my..

how is this Strategy Pattern written in Python? (the sample in Wikipedia)


if you want to the if func None can be used for that . Indeed it's clean short and elegant as usual with Python. But you loose..