

python Programming Glossary: independent

How to do PGP in Python (generate keys, encrypt/decrypt)


. Although originally part of PyCrypto it is completely independent of the other parts of PyCrypto and needs only gpg.exe iconv.dll..

Choosing Java vs Python on Google App Engine


such an issue if well phrased especially in a language independent way . Last but not least remember that you can have different..

How to capitalize the first letter of each word in a string (Python)?


as noted in the docs. The algorithm uses a simple language independent definition of a word as groups of consecutive letters. The definition..

Differences between isinstance() and type() in python


more on the TM DP in general and specifically in Python independent of ABCs . For the underlying mechanics of ABC support as offered..

How do I watch a file for changes using Python?


polling will probably be the only really platform independent option. Note I haven't tried any of these solutions. share..

Read/Write Python Closures


x x x gives 1 2 3 in Python 3 invocations of counter give independent counters. Other solutions especially using itertools yield are..

Python: Using vars() to assign a string to a variable


variables create a sequence. Instead of trying to create independent variables like variable0 variable1 variable2 variable3 You should..

Solving embarassingly parallel problems using Python multiprocessing


calculations on the input data where each calculation is independent of any other calculation . Write results of calculations to.. Part 2 can run on multiple cores since each calculation is independent order of processing doesn't matter. Each part can run independently... order of processing doesn't matter. Each part can run independently. Part 1 can place data on an input queue part 2 can pull data..

What are “first class” objects? [closed]


storable in data structures having an intrinsic identity independent of any given name being comparable for equality with other entities..

Play audio with python


from a python script It would be best if it was platform independent but first of it needs to work on a mac. I know i could just..

Play a Sound with Python [duplicate]


file .wav in Python By easiest I mean both most platform independent and requiring the least dependencies. pygame is certainly an.. it seems overkill for just sound. python audio platform independent share improve this question The Snack Sound Toolkit can..

How can I speed up fetching pages with urllib2 in python?


that this is a trivial parallelization task. Each task is independent and do not share resources. So most of his attack do not apply...

SFTP in Python? (platform independent)


in Python platform independent I'm working on a simple tool that transfers files to a hard..

How to create a GUID in Python


Python How do I create a GUID in Python that is platform independent I hear there is a method using ActivePython on Windows but it's..

Python multiprocessing: sharing a large read-only object between processes?


objects created earlier in the program No. Processes have independent memory space. Solution 1 To make best use of a large structure.. not too bad. Fan in is the opposite structure. A number of independently running processes need to interleave their inputs into a common..

Why is reading lines from stdin much slower in C++ than Python?


be available for the scanf function which has its own independent buffer. This would lead to unexpected results. To avoid this..

spawning process from python


app. how do i spawn off a process and make it completely independent of the web app this is on linux os. python process spawn .. a Linux system the script could easily make itself fully independent i.e. a daemon by following this recipe . You could also do it..