

python Programming Glossary: indefinitely

Python subprocess output on windows?


worked fine. After the update python has started blocking indefinitely and not actually showing any output. I can manually launch the..

How to Mock an HTTP request in a unit testing scenario in Python


but not successful yet. nosetests command seems to wait indefinitely. import unittest from foo import core class HttpRequests unittest.TestCase..

How to set timeout on python's socket recv method?


non blocking mode to gaurantee that recv will never block indefinitely. select can also be used to wait on more than one socket at..

a basic question about “while true”


evaluates to boolean true and thus executes the loop body indefinitely. It's an idiom that you'll just get used to eventually Most..

Why does Paramiko hang if you use it while loading a module?


from your module attempts another import it can block indefinitely because your main thread still holds the lock. There are probably..

Efficient way to iterate throught xml elements


maybe there is there more efficient way to iterate through indefinitely number of xml elements python lxml share improve this question..

Simple Prime Generator in Python


This is memory efficient as the sieve is not run forward # indefinitely but only as long as required by the current # number being tested...

Running Scrapy from a script - Hangs


. It suggested using this snippet but when I do it hangs indefinitely. This was written back in version .10 is it still compatible..

Bubble Sort Homework


tell sorts correctly but once it finishes it just loops indefinitely. How can this code be fixed so the function finishes properly..

Timing out urllib2 urlopen operation in Python 2.4


30 I am still coming across URLs that hang seemingly indefinitely. I want to time out the extraction and have got this far after.. when used on certain URLs urllib2.urlopen hangs and waits indefinitely. The URLs that do this are ones that when pointed to with a..