

python Programming Glossary: indentation

HOWTO: Fix Python Indentation


I have some python code that have inconsistent indentation there is a lot of mixture of tabs and spaces to make the matter.. tabs and spaces to make the matter even worse even space indentation is not preserve. The code works as expected but its difficult.. to maintain. I'm looking for a tool that will fix the indentation like html tidy but for python and won't break the code python..

Tabs versus spaces in Python programming


spaces in Python programming I have always used tabs for indentation when I do Python programming. But then I came across a question..

Why does Python pep-8 strongly recommend spaces over tabs for indentation?


does Python pep 8 strongly recommend spaces over tabs for indentation I see on Stack Overflow and PEP 8 that the recommendation is.. PEP 8 that the recommendation is to use spaces only for indentation in Python programs. I can understand the need for consistent.. Python programs. I can understand the need for consistent indentation and I have felt that pain. Is there an underlying reason for..

Read Specific Columns from csv file with Python csv


if my assumption was wrong. Your posted code has a lot of indentation errors so it was hard to know what was supposed to be where...

Python style: multiple-line conditions in IFs


However it is the natural way using correct Python indentation of 4 spaces. Edit By the way for the moment I'm using if cond1..

Proper indentation for Python multiline strings


indentation for Python multiline strings What is the proper indentation.. for Python multiline strings What is the proper indentation for Python multiline strings within a function def method string.. lines docstring.expandtabs .splitlines # Determine minimum indentation first line doesn't count indent sys.maxint for line in lines..

Creating a simple XML file using python


whitespace isn't significant. If you need prettyprint indentation let me know and I'll look up how to do that. It may be an LXML..

Good examples of Python docstrings for Sphinx


be helpful to see how the docstrings are formatted space indentation etc. so that autodoc gives beautiful documentation. python..

IndentationError: unindent does not match any outer indentation level


unindent does not match any outer indentation level When I compile the Python code below I get IndentationError.. I get IndentationError unindent does not match any outer indentation level import sys def Factorial n # Return factorial result 0.. i print factorial is result return result Why python indentation share improve this question EDIT Other posters are probably..

Python in Xcode 4 or Xcode 5


the web about all of this. Say Hello code completion auto indentation git integration and syntax highlighting. Note that it's not.. better than using IDLE in my opinion. Note that the auto indentation seems to have been removed from newer releases. Running without.. Notes To change the text encoding line endings and or indentation settings open the Utilities panel and click Show the File inspector..

How to save a Python interactive session?


features autocomplete rewind one keystroke save to file indentation well done. Python source distribution pulled a couple of dependencies..